I just got the OGS Shifter from the folks at More Japan. The instructions are all in Japanese. Can anyone tell me how to change the button colors? Thanks! Tom
They have a video on their main page and it shows how you can actually change the color but it doesn't show how to get into that mode in the first place. More Japan :: Since 2003 EDIT: I searched around on youtube and found this vid. Looks like you hold the reverse button down. I'm guessing it's while you turn the car on.
HOLD BRN while staring car for 5 seconds R switches colors N - Increases Brightness D - Decreases Brightness B Cycles to next configuration 1st config - BND Color and Brightness 2nd config - R Color and Brightness 3rd config - OGS - Color and Brightness 4th config - Sets your selections- Little trick I learned to get the letters to match the green of the dash. Unscrew the 3 screws in the back and you will have access to the white letters that pop in and out. Go to Staples and buy the lightest green BIC Mark It (exact ones in picture attached) and color in the back of the white letters. Then change the shifter color to yellow on the dimmest setting and it is a dead match!