That's really great Dan, so you paid 29k plus taxes, any other fees? I am still shopping around, the dealers in NYC don't seem to be interested in selling their cars!
That really is a good deal. My PIP was $34k everything included (and did have the 3150 off as well). I probably could have gotten a better deal if I do what I usually do when buying a car, but didn't have the time.
that was before taxes,registration ect ect....but i did a lease so taxes are rolled into the payments and you only pay tax on the amount payed not entire cost. Lease many ways was the best deal around on this car. I worked about 1200 off sticker before the 3150, and then when you put into a lease it worked out nicely for me in direct comparison to a NON Pip which was only 8 bucks/mt less. Dan
Yea mine was a lease as well, 0 down payment. 'Adjusted Capitalized Cost' is $31,226 for me. Car sticker TOTAL was $33,240. I got them to eliminate the extra charge for the Blizzard Pearl, but otherwise, I didn't push too hard.
that sounds like a very good deal! I was just happy cause i was ready to lease a non PiP and then dealer told me about the program for 3150 off, and how it would barely cost me anything more then the non Pip i was about to lease!
Just found this in the Boston area: $5,000 Bonus Financing Cash on Prius Plug-In Advanced Model #1239 or $3,500 Bonus Financing Cash on Prius Plug-In Model #1235!
Congrats! welcome to PiP! Seeing the $27000 barrier broken! EDIT: NVM. DCH seems to offer great deal in our area
OK I finally see my first decent deal on these. IF my other car was lease-end now I'd really think long and hard about a PiP at the price I see today. It's $300/month, though does require $1500 for tax, title, all that nonsense. Still, that is a strong price on this vehicle and that includes nav, heated front seats (I'm ignorant of the car's packaging--those may be standard options).
Here's the deal for the Base PIP on Long Island till 11/5/12.. $2500 fed tax credit $3500 Toyota Financing cash $500 LIPA rebate (LIPA= our electric supplier) 0% financing for up to 60 months. If you're in the NY area and ever considered buying the PIP- now's the time!
Did they give you $1k below dealer invoice like the NJ dealer? They quoted me $31,190 for Blizzard Pearl. That with $3,500 cash bonus, 0% APR and $2,500 tax credit.
My BP PIP was at invoice and had the unavoidable 'carpet mats', rear 'carpet cargo mat' and a few other add-ons, but it was on the lot which was a big plus for me. It came in at $32680 before all rebates, incentives, etc. What they did do however was up the offer on my trade-in 2012 Five with 11k mi on it from their original offer to make the deal happen.
Hi to all, I am from Arizona. Nothing going on here ...No $3.5K cash back or 0% financing As some of them posted already, got a Final price from NY side for a basic PIP. $32.3 ( minus $3.5K) for Blizzard Pearl with floor + trunk mats ( not including AZ Tax, Registration etc). Dealer will file the Arizona DMV paper work. AZ Tax + Registration will have to be paid as part of the out of the door price. Only problem I need to figure out is shipping from NY to Phoenix. Initial shipping quotes are around $1300. Any suggestions or thoughts?
There are small companies which can drive the car for you. Some of them have a really good reputation, and are popular on car forums. I'll try to find out the company my buddy used for his car. Where in NY did you get the car from?