*SOLD* Selling my black 15" wheels off my 2012 Prius along with the OE covers and lug nuts. No TPMS sensors. The wheels are clean and have never kissed a curb. The wheel covers have left small scratches on the wheels from mounting but they are easily cleaned up. All OE wheels suffer this fate unless they have never had covers on them. Wheels: $200 from $400 due to minor scratches. Local sale only
I know you want local only, but if you have trouble unloading, and are perhaps willing to look in to shipping, I may be interested. (Not really sure how much shipping something like that would cost though, and to FL to boot!.) Thanks!
I think shipping is around $100-$120 or so. Depends on how they are packaged I guess. The only boxes I have right now are the ones my 17s came in. I preferred local sale because it is easy and because the buyer could look the product over before purchasing. That way there are no issues later on. If you supply me with your zip code I can check shipping rates.
Shipping to Beaverton is approx. $70-$80 assuming I can find wheel boxes cheap. The shipping charges are why I prefer a local sale.