I was quite concerned (as a prospective "c" buyer) to read in the "Watch Your Windshield" post in early April about the 2 cracked windshields on Kauai. Have there been any more similar incidents (where the initial impact develops into a long crack)? If not, what are we to conclude? That the stones in Hawaii are the meanest ones around, perhaps due to their volcanic origin (maybe larger mass &/or sharper than typical stones)? It would be interesting to get a professional geologist's input.
I had the windshield replaced a few weeks ago and to date nothing else has happened. The wife claims there is more wind noise now, but it seems the same to me. I understand that from reading other posts on the PC forums that cracked windshields, like any other car, happens occasionally. My best advice is to have a low comprehensive deductible so if this happens to you, you won't be much out of pocket. I would not put off buying this car over this concern... it's a great car! :thumb:
i've had to battle rock chips more than anything else... *sigh*... sorta too late to install a clear bra.. though i could add it on to prevent further damage. yea... a lot of rock chips... bah.
My Prius, 2010, developed a crack in the windshield that didn't have any impact to start it that i remember; no stars or bullseye or large pit. Started at the top of the windshield about a hand's width left of the mirror. Seems it was under some sort of stress - perhaps coming off a mild winter couldn't handle temps near 70. I'm disappointed. About half way down the windshield now... should be in two pieces by the end of the month. Heating and cooling can induce significant stress into materials, but glass is one of those materials that doesn't react as violently, as say, metal. Perhaps the metal around it is stressing from expansion/contraction. Whatever the case, perhaps a poor design or materials flaw. All in all, i like the car. Doesn't get the gas mileage Toyota boasted, but mid to high 40s. Better than the SUV i have.
Today is monday and I just bought a new plugin last Sat. The car caught a rock. the windshield was replaced. Any suggestion how to prevent it? Dealer asks for $1500, but I paid $500 somewhere else.
I had a good-sized star chip in my windshield on my old car ('98 metro) that was there for.....um....9 years I think. Never spread at all. Is the difference now in how windshields are constructed? Or do they react differently because of the size of the windshield and/or angle? I'm just glad I saw these discussions early on and have close to a $0 deductible for windshields. I expect that with winter coming on, the risk goes up with all the snow tires, etc. flinging pebbles around. I try not to get behind any of the "usual culprits" where I might pick up a ding but I sort of expect it's inevitable at some point in the car's life.
I have been hit by some sizeable rocks in 15K miles at highway speeds. They have been kicked up by tractor-trailers or pickup trucks and have hit with a mighty thwack. Fortunately, other than some minute dings in the glass, no cracks or stars or other damage. There are a lot of physics involved but I would say that the C windshield is no more prone to damage than any other car I've owned.