My current mid-size truck is well into it's mid-life so I will be due for a different truck in probably 3-5 years. What are the chances we will see a hybrid Tacoma (or even a Tundra) in that time frame? Obviously it's just speculation at this point but I would be interested to hear from the collective wisdom of this community. Thanks!
They may make the A-BAT one day, I am not holding my breath. My wife has a 2005 Tacoma that has near 150k that we might consider replacing with in the next couple of years. I would love to replace it with a hybrid Tacoma! The A-BAT is on Toyota's website but I can't get to the non mobile site from my mobile to link to it for you sorry. Here is a story I found from 2007. Toyota A-BAT Concept - Concept Vehicles - Truck Trend Aloha, ED Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Toyota Concept Vehicles -- ABAT I got on a computer finally here is the link to the A-BAT on Toyota's website.