My wife told me she rolled into a rather deep pothole, hard. So hard in fact, that she got the full Christmas light treatment on the dash. All the error lights went away and she thought nothing of it. We were checking out the month to month savings screen the other day, and noticed the time/date was off. The only thing we can think of was that hard jolt from the pothole. Anyone else experience this?
I've not had a really good jolt in the car yet, however I did notice the other day that the date setting was off. I had wondered why my past record screen was showing information from February 2011, and it turned out that the date setting (nothing i changed, it came from the dealer this way) was off by well over a year (i think it was 15 months in the past). If you had not previously seen an accurate date screen, it could be that. Have you checked other readings to see if they were reset as well?
I'd get that checked out soon. As I understand it the info you lost is would also happen if you disconnect the normal 12v battery. Kinda makes me think the hard hit knocked the connectors lose. It could also explain why all the warning lights came on as well.
Nah, I think the dealer just didn't do anything. I, and others on this forum, have purchased the cars with far off dates. I think, for whatever reason, they come from the factory that way. Some dealers change them, but I bet a lot don't. As for the original post...yikes! That would definitely concern me. I'd probably take it in, but you know how it is when they can't duplicate the problem. And they don't like to do any work when there aren't any warning lights on. But maybe you could have them look at the battery connectors like Revan suggested? Keep us updated!
The month and day were correct, but the year was off when we took delivery as well. I guess it required too many button pushes (literally... not being sarcastic here). Without nav, the One uses just the steering wheel buttons (2 of them) for scrolling up and down. Since there hasn't been a problem since, I'll just leave well enough alone. And BTW, all the other settings were intact (mpg of comparison car, cost per gallon, etc).
I didn't let my sales guy touch it. He was an idiot of all sorts, he actually tried to smoke IN the car while I was test driving.
Wow, that goes beyond idiocy. Talk about rude and unprofessional! I can't believe any salesperson would try to smoke in a vehicle they were trying to sell. It also says he is NOT familiar with the C as it has no ashtray.
OMG! I hope he wasn't your sales guy after that - I sure wouldn't want any commission $$ going to someone that stupid.
No kidding, how do people like that keep a job? I know retail is a bit different but if any of my guys (or gals) pulled some crap like that they would be gone instantly.