For the past couple of days I have been hearing a window rattle. It is hard to figure out where the rattle is coming from, but my guess would be the hatchback door. Has anyone had this issue? It only occurs when I am driving on a rough terrain with a lot of bumps.
Could it be your license plate or plate holder? My car only had 2 top holes (I assume this is typical), so the bottom edge would rattle sometimes. I put rubber bumpers on it, and that helped.
The bottom of the license plate I put two pieces of the plastic 3M duel lock velcro. The stuff they use on the windshield Easy pass for the tolls. Works great and I can remove the plate anytime to clean behind there. I like this solution better because now when I close the hatch the plate does not vibrate and make that awful twang noise. It now sounds quite and makes a very good, sturdy, thump sound. Doesn't sound cheap IMO.
The rattle is gone after putting in the extra 2 screws. Thank you for your help, saved me a trip to the dealership.
I didn't even know there were two more screws. I will have to look into this. Or, do the rubber bumper thing.
How? There aren't holes on the bottom. You mean screws between a frame and the plate? BTW I am running no frame, just the plate and top two screws, not rattle. My experience is that frames cause rattles...