Can Display Audio's phone interface accept pauses or waits (P or W) in the phone number? My phone uses them for voicemail passwords, eg dial the number, pause a few seconds, and then dial the password. So far it does not work at all through the bluetooth interface when initiated through voice command ("call xxx xxx xxxx pp yyyy#") or through the car's screen. I tried to directly store a similar number into the Display Audio "stored" numbers but could not find an option for the P pause.
Yes several times and lengths. The transfer to Display audio drops the P and W characters and there seems to be no way to manually insert them. I even tried the Verizon short cut *86ppXXXX# thinking there might be a 10 digit limit. No luck.
So I don't have Display Audio on my Gen III Prius and I haven't found a way to program pauses with the Prius phone book: the "*" freezes the my Blackberry Bold, "+" does nothing, and "#" is equivalent to an end signal on my phone; "," works as pause on the Blackberry but I can't find the "," among the Prius choices. However, here is a workaround that works for me. I make two separate entries in the Prius phone book: one is the phone # and the other is the extension or code to follow. I store the number on Speed Dial #1 and the code on Speed Dial #2 (or whichever speed dial #s you want). Here's how it works: I press offhook and then Speed Dial #1; after I confirm my choice, the number is dialed When the call is connected, I push Speed Dial #2; after I confirm the choice, it dials the remaining number (the display says "Send" instead of "dial). (BTW, if you want to access the the special symbols, "pound" = #; "star" = *; and "plus" = +; you can also find them if you input the numbers manually) This methods uses two Speed Dial places, but it works quite perfectly well.
On my blackberry bold I can get conference codes working by using an 'x' in the number. This is about my 8th blackberry and all have worked this way. So say the conference line is 123-456-7890 and my passcode is 123456 I will make the location of the meeting to be 123-456-7890x123456# and the phone interprets the x as a 2 second pause. When blackberry is connected via Bluetooth it doesn't matter that the call initiates on the blackberry it will still sound over the car audio/mic.
But the question is, how do you enter an "x" in the Prius phonebook? I only see the following characters: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,#,* and +. I can actually use a comma on my blackberry to achieve the same thing (i.e., 123-456-7890,123456#), but similarly, I don't know how to input a comma in the Prius phone book. That would be the neatest solution, but how?