We picked up our PIP today, and I'm wondering where people store their charging cord. Should I keep it in the car, or garage? I can't see putting it in the space under the trunk mat since it can be a hassle to access it every day. Thanks
I bought the heavy rubber matt for the back and all weather matts for the car. The charger usually stays in the back or in front of my house when I'm putting around my neighborhood.
I do agree that its a hassle to put everyday in the trunk deep box. I do keep in garage mostly, unless I am going on a couple days trip. One of the reason why I keep it in garage is I do not want damage to this unit, its expensive and delicate too.
I store it in the car, in the dedicated spot for it. And yes, it's a pain to constantly pull it in & out of the car. Which is why at home I installed a dedicated EVSE to use. I charge at work as well, but it's on 120V, so I'm still forced to pull it in/out, but at least it's only once a day now. Eventually they're supposed to install new 240V EVSE stations for us.
i leave mine plugged in in the garage and at the ready to plug in when i get home because i don't charge anywhere else. if i wind up charging at work, i'll probably throw it in the back seat and eventually get a level two charger at home.
Be REAL CAREFUL where you use that cord, I wouldn't leave it outdoors unprotected overnight, or at a power outlet at work....it costs between $900-$1000 to replace and eventually thieves are going to start looking for them. I run mine under my garage door to the driveway at night so (in theory) it can't get stolen.
I keep my Prius in my 2-car garage and have run the 110v cord down the middle (between the two cars) in one of those cord protectors (15', about $30). This was my solution, rather than constantly coiling and uncoiling it.
I use a dog leash to lower the EVSE plug between 2 cars. Check the link in my sig for details on my setup.
During the summer I stored the EVSE in its compartment below the hatchback. Now that its Colder, and when I'm not driving anyone around, I'm putting it on the passenger seat to warm it up. It gets stiff in the cold. When it's plugged in at home, its hanging on the cross-arm of my yard lightpost. If I felt it could be removed by others, like Halloween night, I lock the J-plug with my tumbler lock from Home Depot.
When the car's done charging, I put it on the floor, in the back, so it's ready for when I charge the car up at work.