has anyone leased the rav4 ev? Can you post your experience? Is the tax deduction taken off msrp? can you recommend a dealership and salesperson? what is the residual? thanks for any info
What part of CA are you in? DianneWhitmire | PriusChat might be able to help you, if you're in So Cal. Search thru her posts first.
i am close to her dealership and have asked this same question in another thread posted by her but did not get a response. i am not comfortable with leases. never have leased and the contract has a lot of opportunity for dealer manipulation. however looks like the only way i can take advantage if tax rebate is to lease. also interested in buy out amount.
I used Roger Mehr at South Coast Toyota. He's really great too, very flexible and will make sure the deal works for you. Got the unlimited miles lease and they even threw in blizzard pearl and tinted windows! If you're closer to Carson, go with Dianne as she's very loyal to these forums. If in OC or South OC and you don't want to drive up to Carson, then Roger is great. Thanks.
This new lease is fabulous. Feel free to email me if you haven't already and permit me to do the math with you. That can help explain the wisdom of this lease we're doing right now.
cocopupu, et al A lease is simply a financing mechanism; as is cash, an auto loan, a line of credit, an equity loan or a credit card. The distinction that a lease offers is that two car buying "unknowns" are turned into "knowns"; depreciation and end of lease value. These value will never be contractually agreed to in any other form of financing. If that is important for a buyer to know, then a the buyer must consider a lease as a way to finance a new car purchase. When is knowing the depreciation and end of lease value important? It is particularly important when the vehicle is a new model, or represents new technology. The RAV4 EV, as well as the Prius Plug In, are prime examples of models and technology, where a buyer would want to lock in the depreciation and lease end value. The buyer is shifting all the risk to the lessor, and the buyer knows exactly what is being committed to at the time of purchase. Given EV and PHEV technology is brand new, and nobody knows the value of these vehicles three years from now, one who does not lease is assuming the manufacturer's and fiance company's risk. I hope this helps clarify why Diane is promoting the lease; it is the proper financing mechanism, and the incentives & money factor in this iteration of the offer are fantastic.
I agree with Jim. I added the EV to my driveway because for 444 a month + tax for 35 more months, I can go unlimited miles AND pocket $2500 from the state ... and after 3 years, if there's something better out there with more range, I can throw the keys back at TFS... or, sell the car or buy it out if I choose. After three years, my payoff's only $19,920. For unlimited miles, hell... how can I resist! That keeps the mounting miles off my PHEV.