From time to time, you'll run in someone whose posting are consistently irritating. They fall in the gap between a 'reportable' posting versus 'personality conflict.' It happens and being able to put them on an ignore list helps. The old software showed the username and the new one just shows "Ignored Member" without the username. This single change reduces the stimulus-response of the other's username. Having an "Ignore" feature is like squelch on the old CB radios. It doesn't eliminate static as much as mutes it down. I don't know if the moderators have metrics on user 'ignore list' counts. I suspect this might be a useful metric when dealing with 'reports' of user postings. Obviously, each 'report' posting needs to be individually evaluated but having metrics on 'ignore' counts might also help. Bob Wilson
I think it would be helpful if ignored content was a bit more noticeable (in its absence). Sometimes people are confused by responses to ignored content. Just a "ignored content" would help. Otherwise the only inline indication is posting number.
I had seen that rarely in the past when folks tried to comment on, expand, or get follow-up from the ignored. One way to get on my ignore list is a pattern of both personal and technically inaccurate postings. Others with more patience or newly exposed to the troll-ette would quote them to get clarification or 'help.' The rare quote of their nonsense is a small price to pay for the blessed quiet. My favorite example of the dynamics is from the Monty Python The Argument Sketch. Going into the wrong room first, the character seeking an argument is abused and objects: Folks on my ignore list tend to disappear within a month or two. Starved from re-enforcement that appears to include critical comments, they soon wander off leave seeking others for their nonsense . . . or they escalate and cross the threshold of moderator tolerance. Bob Wilson
That isn't what I was talking about. More like: Bob Wilson: <Remarkably wise post> Mr Ignored: <Utter Drivel> [Not seen by Bob Wilson] Wide Eyed Innocent: "You are an idiot" Bob Wilson: "Wth?" I have seen this a number of times, and it increases the general hostility on the list through confusion.
I hope I am not the poster child for this threads existence? Can anybody read this? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
You bring up a good point, feedback to the 'ignored' user which should be private. In ordinary conversations, if someone has become a bore or otherwise become unacceptable, facial expressions or even personal behavior including walking away is clear and unambiguous. Speculation, the answer might be a single pop-up after their next posting "Ignored since last post." It needs to be a one-time only so those trying for a 'record' have no score but the moderators might find a list of 'ignored' useful. Think of it as the inverse of the "Likes" counter. Bob Wilson
I ran a test using my joke, "everybody" account by adding it to my ignore list. When "everybody" tried to send a note, a 'conversation', to "bwilson4web" it instantly showed "All participants have left this conversation permanently" . . . I died laughing. So now everybody knows a conversation can probe who might have used the ignore user option. But everybody knows offensive conversations can be reported to a moderator. Furthermore, everybody knows even an apology could not be sent via a conversation . . . nor further offensive text. Bob Wilson (aka., everybody)
I see what you're talking about now. Not only does the software not make you aware of posts by the ignored user via the placeholder, their quoted text is also not displayed (for better or worse, depending on your POV). (Some other software, like vBulletin doesn't strip out quotes from ignored users.) So, I end up seeing a reply that actually was directed at the ignored user (and the ignored user's quoted text). But, I can't tell who it really is directed towards, unless I edit my settings to un-ignore and see what's going on. Without un-ignoring, the reply makes little sense as looks like it's directed at the wrong guy. In this case it was something like: Ignored user: (dumb post w/bogus info) Innocent user: Something useful User C: (quotes some of dumb post from ignored user, but I can't see it) Your info is wrong! It ends up looking like the "Your info is wrong!" post is directed towards innocent user.
Erg! I'm not understanding it yet. I may need "anybody" to work with "everybody" and "bwilson4web" to see what I'm blind to. Bob Wilson
^^^ Try viewing Prius III confusion | PriusChat, then try adding ProximalSuns to your ignore list and refreshing that page... It almost looks like I'm arguing w/myself. I wish it were more like the software that uses which gives you a placeholder like this: It has links for both the ignored user's name and "Display this post." I've got two folks on MNL on my ignore list. One of them is a Volt troll who seems anti-CHAdeMO and in favor of SAE J1772 combination plug (aka SAE Frankenplug, see My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - SAE Planning vote to formally deny CHAdeMO in US).
+1.. for the suggested change of just having the post say <ingnored user post click to see> with no name just the text of "innored" Same in a quote. I've been very confused here multiple times by the hidding.. I ignore people so I don't let myself get baited but confusion is sometimes almost as bad.
Ahhhh, now I see the problem but to some extent it is 'self-imposed.' Others who have not 'ignored' the user still see the full exchange. Those of us who elect to ignore a user see our self-imposed, fragmented view or third parties who also added that same user to their ignore list. But I suspect a larger population has not 'ignored' that user and still see the full context of the thread . . . but my mind is still open on this. I'm not hard on this point. I've seen both styles and prefer not to see even the username of the party I choose to ignore (aka., the pest.) I remember a 'pest' several years ago who continued to post his snarky comments and I would see the place holders and the infrequent, third-party 'quotes' of his nonsense. There was a temptation to 'un-ignore' the pest and after a period of time, I did and quickly regretted. I realized my 'pest' was not going to change, to grow up, but would continue his abusive posting style. I don't know if he was 'moderated' after trying his nonsense on someone else, got tired, or found some other place to play but that one is long-time gone. Interesting as we have some folks who have fixated on one subject to the point of becoming pests. Thankfully there is Fred's House of Politics, a Kline bottle for the worst of them. <grins> Still, it also has to do with the characteristics of the pest and thankfully this remains our choice. Bob Wilson
On your first point, you're correct. Stuck My Foot In It - REALLY Hard | PriusChat was an example of confusion that was going on because someone else ignored someone on the thread (hint: he's ignoring the same person as I am). I did make some discoveries today. I visited a thread where the last post was by the ignored user. There was a placeholder at the bottom saying something like there's ignored content by (name of ignored user) and I could display it. But, if I refresh the page, the placeholder's gone. Not sure why this software has that behavior. I looked thru the settings and couldn't find a way to change it. I also noticed in the lower right, there is a link to "Show ignored content" and when you mouse over, it says "Show hidden content by (name of ignored user)". I guess that's better than nothing but is easily missed. As for the snarky guy, I have a guess as to who it is. I can think of two people in particular... As for the Volt troll and anti-CHAdeMO guy (on my ignore list), to be clear, it wasn't walterbays. He simply gave a great translation about what appears to be the SAE and a bunch of automakers' efforts to impede CHAdeMO by introducing their own incompatible "standard" (which we call Frankenplug) for which there are AFAIK no cars and no publicly accessibly charging stations. My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - SAE combo plug/Frankenplug EV/PHEV car list was a tally from earlier this year. It doesn't seem like much has changed. (GM, who has no shipping vehicles that that accept any DC fast charging (CHAdeMO, Frankenplug or something else) even tried to emargo CHAdeMO at a hearing: CHAdeMO General Assembly Contemplates SAE Plug Competition | Hybrid Cars.) Per CHAdeMO Association, there are 1659 CHAdeMO stations and I'd guess there are at least 25-30K cars w/CHAdeMO connectors. (Leaf sales are past 38K worldwide but not all of them come w/CHAdeMO.)
Perhaps the best approach is to always quote some snippet from the pest. Then it is clear that your posting was to some earlier nonsense. In my old age, I try to follow this approach, don't always succeed, but I find it helps show continuity in a thread. Regardless, I'm just glad for the relief. Personality conflicts will arise and it is hard for one party to understand the other. I've seen it in my career and sometimes with folks nearly as bright as me. Once it was just speech patterns when New York Yankee met my Southern drawl. It took a year before he realized my 'inhale' was not a pause in my thought that I was still midway expressing. Steve was actually a brilliant guy but in effect a talking 'speed freak' and not malice. But others have a meanness to them, sociopaths, and there is no reasoning or even self-interest in them . . . they are lost to any sort of shared reality. As I mentioned, I'm not hard for or against an automatic place holder but prefer 'less' rather than more. I can see where it can seem confusing but then I've been married for 35 years and that tries this man's soul! Bob Wilson
I also appreciate the ignore list. I don't ignore anyone on my own forum, but I wish it was utilized more by some members there. I did have necessity to add one person here a while back. It's a nice feature and I wish more people would use it, rather than feed the trolls. On the flip side, some trolls persist no matter how much attention they get. I recall one troll years back on a usenet auto group. He spent hours a day for the better part of a decade bashing a car he claimed to have never even owned. Funny part was that he maintained his own ignore list and publicized everyone he added to it, basically anyone who debunked his trollish posts with published studies or data. Even funnier was that he frequently still replied to those he claimed to have ignored, especially when they submitted a particularly effective rebuttal to one of his silly diatribes. It never ceases to amaze me how much time a few people have to post repetitive content that adds absolutely nothing constructive to a community forum. But from an admin view, trolls and drama are a major draw that keeps a lot of members coming back to read frequently, even those who claim to hate reading it. It's an odd phenomenon.