Bought it from ebay. Finish all installation and is Running on vista. When i plug it in. All is yellow highlighted which mean the ecu is unknown? Anyone know why? I have a 2010 Prius and want to disable the seat belt chime
Vista is really problematic operating system... Can you try it on a win7 or winXP machine that has been cleaned out and has all windows updates?
I have heard windows 7 64bits can't run this program. is that right ? I will try it on my other laptop first
yes... that makes sense... though I think there's a workaround for that... As in a virtual machine / emulator...
Techstream can run on Windows 7 64 bit but the problem is the driver for the cable only comes with 32 bit. I 've no problem running with W7 32 bit. Can you take a screenshot? Vincent
What is the version of your Java? There are some errors or abnormal operation if Java software is not installed, has become corrupt, or version is too old. Installing the latest version of Java (v1.6 - Update 7, minimum) from Java + You will resolve this issue. Your ver. 7.20.037 was also known to have conflict with Mozilla Firefox. If you 're running Firefox, close it and edit your registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla] To: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla_X] (for example...) Then install TS as usual. After finished install, rename back your registry to original. Vincent
Thanks Vincent. I will try it tonight. And just want to make sure , this kits I bought it from ebay is able to disable seat belt chime right ? And now is just my computer/software issue?
just wanted to ask ... is Techstream program works with Prius v released here in Australia.... Thanks
Depending on your version, the latest release has full support for 2013 and earlier model years + some new 2014 model years. There is a region setting for different countries; NA, EU, JP, Others, make sure you select Others. Vincent