Repeatedly I go out in the morning to my plug-in sitting in the driveway, plugged in overnight, and find lots of little black ants crawling around the rear fender. The only way they could get there is by climbing up the power cord. Something about the power cord attracts them to climb up and wander around the bodywork. Not a major problem as these aren't hostile or dangerous in any way, just annoying. Any suggestions on how to un-attract them or keep them off?
I think they are attracted to the vibrations made by the electrical charging circuits. I have the same problem with active ac electronics around the ranch. you can confirm by plugging in but throw the breaker switch so that there isn't any power and see if the ants still climb the cord. I spread diatomous earth around the electrical equipment with some success.
you can get an ant guard for a hummingbird feeder that might connect to the vertical section of the cord?