I just think Toyota really missed it when they decided C=City. I'm driving it as a commuter and enjoying it on interstate at 70+ mph and 50 MPG!
It's just that the small size of the vehicle may give people pause to share the freeway with 18-wheelers and the like. I used to drive a 3-door Yaris and I ride motorcycles, so I know what it feels like to feel boxed in and rattled around by larger vehicles. Not to mention the wind and bad drivers.
I don't have any stick time in the Trial-Sized Prius, but from everything I've read the G3 is probably a better mount to go with if your commute ever takes you outside the city.....like on an interstate. Judging from the fuelly numbers that I'm seeing (and I take those with a BIG grain of salt!) the G3 probably gets better mileage on the interstate as well. But...hey. One thing that I have learned is that Prius enthusiasts are really REALLY into names. Either that...or they're always itching to fuss and cuss over what one should call Priuses. Example: One Prius....Two Priuses. Example: Prius V...or is it v....or is it 5? Five? (Bonus round: What do you call the Prius Station Wagon?) Example: Plug In Prius. Bottom line: Call it what YOU want to.
Hmmmmmm.....I spent 20+ years in smaller cars and never once wondered whether it was ok to be on the freeway or not. In a small car you're wise to be a DEFENSIVE rather than OFFENSIVE (speaking in sports terms) driver for safety. I don't think Toyota's marketing team will change the branding but I have to admit that saying C = City certainly seems to be fostering all these questions about whether the car is ok to drive on the freeway or not! I'm still trying to feel totally comfortable with the size when it comes to parking...the c is 9" longer than my last car and I really know it when I park, especially trying to parallel park. (its also 5" wider) Conversely, it's far more comfortable on the freeway than my last car. In my mind I guess it's just a small car...it doesn't need some special designation for City or even Commuter. Some of this is perspective too. It takes Americans I think to consider the C as some petite, almost "toy sized" car. My European friends just consider it a reasonably sized (and family sized) car.
I've had the same experience I commute 3 hours a day (1-1/2 hours one way) and I bought my Prius C for the gas mileage. In my experience I get a lot better gas mileage on the highway than in the city.
I think "Commute" is very appropriate. I like it equally as much on the highway. What do you think of "Combo" or "Combined" Donald LaFavor
Any of the C's mentioned but City as it makes a paradigm in potential buyers. I achieved 60.7 mpg on my way home today with approximately 35 of 44 miles interstate according to Prius gauges.
I agree. I spend 4-5 hours commuting - 2 hours one way, including 2000 ft change in elevation (Lancaster to LA for any SoCal folks). Most of the time is spent on the highway with city driving when I don't feel like sitting in the parking lot on the high way. I drive 70+ and still get about 55-65 mpg on the downhill leg and 45-50 mpg on the uphill leg. I normally change lanes on the uphills to make way for the expensive gas-guzzling cars that can handle the steep inclines at 75, but it is no biggie. I catch up on the next downhill!