Sea Lion Gives New Hybrid Cars His Seal Of Approval January 11, 2006 By KOMO Staff Tools Email This Story Printer-friendly Version SEATTLE - Those new hybrid cars are indeed a hot seller, and the interest appears not to be restricted to the human species. A sea lion wandered out of Elliott Bay around lunchtime Wednesday and decided to park itself atop a Toyota Prius in the parking lot of Salty's Restaurant in West Seattle. While amused onlookers snapped some photos of the strange sight, Tim O'Brien, the restaurant's sommelier, managed to coax the lion off the roof and back into the water (no word if it took a merlot or chardonnay to entice the lion to take notice.) The car did suffer a few dents to the roof -- sea lions can weigh between 400-600 pounds -- but otherwise it was just your unusual lunchtime distraction. (picture of Sea Lion on a Prius!)
Way too cute. It reminds us that animals are oft times much smarter than us humans. I think he knows that the Prius cares about him!
Thanks for finding that, parrot lady. I saw it on the local news station this morning and a cursory search on the internet didn't locate it. Glad someone was able to get hold of the picture. The Prius probably has the most pleasing, natural shape to it so that it would appeal to a sea lion.
An insurance company policy writer who was on the ball would've had the foresight to write that in as an exclusion! It would probably come right after the "acts of God" clause.
I must have missed that Discovery Channel show. Are sea lions known to be able to see color or are they color blind as dogs are?
No -- if I had, I suspect I would have been less amused than I am by this. :lol: Can you imagine explaining to your insurance adjuster how that huge dent in the roof came about? Not to mention the amounts of sea lion defecation on the windows... [Broken External Image]: Hmmm... Hey guys -- next time Danny comes to town, let's try someplace other than Salty's, OK? :lol: Mark's right -- the sea lions must have been so impressed by the March 2004 get-together, they're hanging out at Salty's waiting for more.
At least the sea lion didn't explode. Detonating sea mammals have been known to expose structural defects in Buicks. - Bob R.
people started running for cover when large chunks of whale blubber started to bombard them :blink: ok....
Dogs aren't completely colorblind. They can see blue, green and some yellow. They cannot see red. I imagine the Prius appealed to the sea lion because of ease of access. It's low to the ground and the shape provided an easy access to the roof. It was just a big, metal, nicely shaped boulder to sun himself on. I hope the owner downloaded the picture to show his insurance company.
I hate to bring this up, but, was mating involved here. I want DNA testing. It this a case of sexual assault. Does this beast need to go into the sexual predator data base. Explain that to the insurance adjuster! :blink: