How's it going everyone? Been a little while since I've been around. Work and life have kept me busy anyway I have an issue and need your help. I bought the Grazio & Co shark fin off sigma auto. The fin is beautiful and feels amazing. The issue I have is that the stock xm sat gps antenna is 10 mm larger then the fin. What I'm asking is one have any of you bought this antenna and second can any of you who have the means to measure your stock antenna base do so? I have a 2010 pkg 5. You guys can see the pics below and maybe I can install this bad boy. If not it's for sale to who ever has a Blizzard Pearl Prius.
i just received and installed my VG; fits right over the stock base. Measure for fitment. Screw the coiled cord into base, remeasure and stick it on!
Well its installed on my car. I had to do some mods to the antenna but its worth it. I'm currently uploading my videos right now for you all to see. I also had the VG fin but it didn't last long as the dual adhesive foam tape came undone over time. Loved how it looked on the car and wish it would of lasted. The VG is the way to go because of the price and simplicity of installation.
Looking forward to the pics. Regarding your experience with the long did it last before the tape came undone? Did you prep the area as recommended in the instructions?
I did prep the area as they instructed and I also used some denatured alcohol as well. I put it on during the summer so I figured the temp was perfect for an install. Hope you guys enjoy the vids!
Well they seem the same. I have not had an opportunity to drive in some rural areas. The Grazio takes too much work to mod so it's not worth the trouble. I would go with the VG as it's for the US Prius