saw a great show about coffee on Modern Marvels (History Channel) interesting to find out that expresso does not have as much caffeine as most types of drip coffee. according to them, the highest caffeine count comes from a cup made by the French Press method. i guess a lot of the buzz from expresso comes from the TONS of sugar involved.
I love Modern Marvels! I haven't seen the coffee one yet, but last night I watched the one about containers-everything from cargo containers to the strategic petroleum reserve containers (salt deposits) to aluminum cans to homes and workplaces being built out of retired cargo containers which I believe were in England. Great show.
Speaking of Starbucks... Cops Defuse Bomb At S.F. Starbucks SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10, 2006 (CBS/AP) Police defused an explosive device found in the bathroom of a Starbucks on Monday. No one was injured. Article
actually on the Facts thread, i posted the tidbit about the fact that recycling a single glass bottle saves enough power to run a 100 watt light blub for 4 hours...or was it 3?? i watch the show all the time. i record about 5 and watch them all at one time. skipping the commercials is the only way to watch commercial TV
I hope the bomb squad members had a big tall latte on the house... after they were done with the defusing!!! (Hmmm.. for those guys, maybe a steamed milk with almond instead... Talk about a job that takes guts and smarts...)
I watch it all the time too, sometimes I rewatch episodes I've already seen before. It's funny how interested I become in things I never thought I'd find concrete! ITA about the skipping commercials thing; I very rarely watch live TV anymore unless it's a hockey game or the Weather Channel (local on the 8's) for local forecasts and live conditions.
I have forced myself to stop Starbucks when i saw some pimples on my face. But its completely uncomfortable. I never feel conscious. I try to drink tea instead. Its really a fight.
Holy thread resurrection, Batman! :gasp: It's not the Starbucks, btw... it's the milk. Stop using dairy, and the pimples will probably go away.