... when I'm passing by gas stations. Gas price is crazy around here in SoCal, it'll be $5 per gallon pretty soon. Right now it's $3.59 at my local. Edit: $4.59/gal.
Saw $3.99 for regular here in Vegas last night... while a block away a "better" station was offering it at $3.69.
About $4/gallon in the greater Seattle area. So....the national average is $3.78/gallon and I always wonder - who is getting to pay $3-3.50 so that it all averages out for those of us paying above the average?
That's not a knife... My Regular Unleaded with no Ethanol that seems to be 86 octane... equivalent of US$5.38/gal yesterday before our "not-really-weekly price cycle" madness kicked in. US$6.00/gal today. And this is normal behaviour. They've mucked up my strategy this week by keeping the price near the bottom of the cycle for a few days longer than normal, so while I fuelled up on Sunday and Monday was the technical bottom of the cycle, it only rose a cent or two a litre before finally today, boom, up it went. I guess now for a change I'll be like the hypertankers and seeing how long I can hold my nerve down to the next price cycle trough. I don't think I can handle going below a 1/4 tank. So far I think the record low for my guage has been the half-way mark and that was only once. Time for some pulse and glide practice methinks...
I hear ya. I swapped from 15s to 17s again on my GenIII and watched my mpg drop just as fuel prices shot up!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Crocodile Dundee! You know Rob, you're so right (in what you so gently didn't say out loud) - Americans are rather spoiled when it comes to fuel prices and we do get quite worked up by prices that are considered quite low in many other parts of the world. When our prices start to rise like this I just have to chuckle when I see somebody driving some gas-guzzling SUV or monster truck ("working" trucks are different - but urban cowboy-wannabees, different story). They must be paying more for gas than I pay for a car payment monthly.
from 4.10 cents on the cheap end (cash only) to well over 4.50 here in Brooklyn, i typically pay about 4.30 right now but have no filled up since i got my prius . I need to name her. I hate that they make it about .10-.15 cents cheaper a gallon if you pay with cash, i like to use my points cards to get free flights.
Well....going up here now. I haven't bought gas in about ten days but was checking out stations because of this thread. Looks like regular is now 4.29 to 4.59 in my area.
Some magazines say acceleration is poor. Is it good enough for merging onto the freeway/freeway driving/hills?
YES, it is fine! My last car had 77 hp and the C has 99 (combined for both engines). Since I've driven small cars so long it doesn't feel powerless at ALL to me. It might be an adjustment for someone changing from a high hp engine but I think you would just need to understand it's limits and get to know the car. I've driven to Hurricane Ridge (Olympic natl park) and Sunrise (mt rainier natl park) since getting my C - two winding, steep, long climbs. No issues at all. I've been on I-5 with it as well through both Seattle and Tacoma traffic which is very heavy. The C is GREAT Its just not an SUV or a truck or a hummer; it can more than hold its own and I don't worry about semis, etc. I do pay attention to what goes on around me and I recognize that if someone is driving squirrelly, I don't pretend I'm Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation and take them on ;-) And those two trips to the parks? I arrived home with 61 and 63 mpg respectively ( big climb = lots of gliding and coasting back down...or in B). I don't expect that mileage for a higher speed trip over the Cascades on I-90 though.
I agree with Tracy, it does a very nice job of merging onto freeways at speed. If you're forced to enter from a dead stop, you'll need to try that out as I've only "ramped" on. As a "driver", I really enjoy this car and think you will too!
Does it have the fastest acceleration on the roads? Nope, it sure doesn't. Can it merge onto and drive on freeways? Yes, without issue. It's got an official 0-60 time of 11.5 seconds and people have done it in less. Not sure what the freeways are like where you are, but I've never needed to attempt that kind of acceleration. If your goal is to be moving at the traffic speed when you merge, this car is fine. If you're a motoring journo who wants to set new 1/4 mile times on the ramps, this is not the car for you.
One of these days, I'm going to have to find an excuse to take Entu on a highway drive. We did some very brief test driving on the freeway before we bought it, but it probably hasn't gone more than a mile on a highway since it became ours. We are truly "C" users, lol.