That is the question. With all of the current rebates I can move from my 2012 Three with solar (24,000miles) to a brand new PIP and I won't lose too much. Monthly rate goes up but 0% APR vs. 2.9% and better fuel economy. What say you? 24000 miles you put on a lot of miles already on that 2012. If the CA HOV lane is important to you, then that is one reason to switch as soon as possible, to get the most time out of that. If the storage space in the car is important then you might want to stick with current car. The improved gasoline fuel economy is offset by more electricity use, which for CA may not cost much less, but is desirable from a smog-reduction view point, if you live in an area that has a smog problem, then you are contributing to solving that CA problem. If you are undecided, possibly a better deal comes along at the end of the year? Hard to say.
Storage space isn't really an issue. The space in the PIP is fine. I do want to reduce SMOG as much as I can given I drive many miles per year. My main reason for wanting the PIP is the reduction in fossil fuel use (the CA grid is not too bad) and for the joys of hypermiling with more tools. Doing the math, after a few years of ownership I will break even which is fine with me. I want to have more fun with big mpg numbers without having to try so hard. Making short trips around town with the family won't be such a drag on my mpg numbers either! Less fighting.
Run the numbers and report back to us. With your driving in the countryside, you better plan on strapping a donut spare into the hatch area.
With that much driving, you may not have time to charge as much as you want. You'll end up lugging around all that extra weight. Search your zip on, blink, and even plug share, to see what stations are around you which you can utilize in your daily routes.
My advice after living with a PiP for five months: if you live inside the urban area boundaries of Sacramento and use mostly surface streets, yes absolutely get the PiP. If your daily commute/runaround errand trips are ALWAYS more than 15 miles each way and habitually on freeways, then I'd think twice. The PiP really shines in stupid urban inch-along surface street traffic, where each trip is almost too short to be truly called a "trip". Typically short runs and a quick 240-volt recharger @ home = good PiP habitat.
F8L, I cant wait until you get a PiP and apply your techniques to get high scores and teach us your ways. I am also looking forward to your 17" wheel and tire tests on a PiP. In all seriousness, if the financial aspect isnt too bad of a hit/burden, based on your various posts that I've followed, I think you would have a lot of fun in a PiP
I am, was. My girlfriend gave me the death talk last night. You know, the one where it was described in vivid detail how she was going to kill me and make it look like an accident. No PIP for me.
See - that's why we're currently PiP-less ... because 1st, you have to get permission from 'she-who-must-be-obeyed'. Common response I get when asking for 'stuff' will be, "I hope it keeps you warm at night". So, yea man, you're asking the wrong people.
So true. She did mention something about I hope there is more cargo room because that is where you will be sleeping.
There will one day be a newer, better PiP with a bigger battery, and then you'll trash talk our Gen I PiP's.
Nah. Ever since you let me drive your car around the parking lot I've been giddy at the thought of going more EV.
I'm going to take a wild guess and bet that she also gives you grief about spending too much time on priuschat! There are a lot of good reasons not to get the first generation PIP, including being the first on your block to get the 2015 PIP or the Lexus version (rumored smaller SUV coming soon).
My commute is ~20 miles each way, mostly backroads, with some hills and 45% of it is @ 55mph. I used to average 75mpg for one of these trips (only have had the car for over a week), but today I tried a new strategy, and hit 95mpg for a 2-way commute. I only get to charge once, at night, so I do think the PiP is worth it, especially with the current promotions going on. There are some posts indicating that the PiP does better in HV mode compared against the regular model, but personally I have nothing to back that up. That said it's my first Prius, so maybe I am just overly excited.
don't get me wrong, i would love to have you on here with your 21" wheels and trunkfull of bass box boomers.
I for one want you to stay with us mere mortals down in the lowly Gen3 forum. I also hear a Gen2 PiP calling your name. It's calling my name for sure.