The only time I've heard of this problem was when someone's accelerator pedal caught on the floormat in the car and jammed in the down position. Regardless, you just need to hold the power button down for a few seconds to shut the car down (just pressing it won't do). Pressing the "P"ark button has also been reported to put the car in neutral if you're driving at normal speeds. Dave
I can't rule anything out because I've seen some really funky computer glitches. But I would love to see more information about this incident.
Ummmmmm... yeah... pressing the PARK button while driving along at regular speed puts the car in neutral and lights the big red exclaimation mark. Not that I know that from personal experience... nope... wasn't me... didn't happen...
This incident may or may not have happened, and I would be interested to know more about it. But I've read more accurate reporting than this in the rags I see in the grocery store checkout line. For example, they accuse Toyota of selling Prius with faulty software and that this is an indication of how dangerous high tech cars are. But there is nothing to show that this is a software problem at all. It's ironic (and I could even say hypocritical) that this supposed whistle-blowing site engages in such shoddy business practices. I used their their online form to report them to themselves. Seems like the only way to give feedback.
Wow, i thought it was bad when he did the tow-truck one. This is disgusting! Why do people pay other people to print lies? The least they could do it say how Toyota is allowing virtually ALL of their cars to be computerized and named Christine. This makes it sound like the guy honestly thinks he's doing 'investagative reporting.'
As best I can tell that site is just a front for a Class Action law firm. Their funding appears to come from some lawyers and it looks to primarily be a shill trying to drum up lawsuits. Consumer Affairs.Comâ„¢ is a service of The Oakton Press, Inc., in association with Joan E. Lisante LLC, licensed to practice in Virginia and the District of Columbia and the Law Offices of Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, Ltd., licensed to practice in Illinois. They also run the Chicago Law Center The Chicago Law Center is your guide to legal resources in the Chicago area. If you have been injured, suffered a work-related injury or if you have a problem with a consumer product or service, the Chicago Law Center can help you find the help you need And their Consumer News is provided by In addition Horwitz Law says: Our office handles litigation aspects of consumer fraud from the preliminary investigative stages, through discovery and litigation. We work closely with ConsumerAffairs.Com, a leading consumer advocacy Web site, where you can find information about specific practices and companies to watch out for. We can defend or prosecute an action based on the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Practices Act, the Magnuson Moss Act, breach of warranty, breach of contract, and the transaction statutes that relate thereto. Oh yeah - HorwitzLaw.Com is a service of The Oakton Press Inc. Edit: Another one - FairfaxLaw.Com is an independent information and resource service operated by The Oakton Press, Inc. for the convenience of lawyers and their clients in Fairfax/Arlington, Virginia and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Advertising Information Click here to list your practice with FairfaxLaw.Com And that's just a quick search.
I found it fun to google ("2nd floor" OR "second floor") "1601 cloverfield" "South Tower" "santa monica" and to speculate on whether and how the companies in the results might be related.
The name of the owner is Herbert! Maybe they are drumming up interest in a screenplay, a remake of one of the Herbie movies using a Prius instead of a VW.
Guess I'll add a few relevant threads here: Original post about the article in question: Another article by "" More discussion about the article mentioned in the OP:
Only 20 mph over speed limit? That's my normal speed. That ain't a wild ride to me. Anyway. If this really happened, local TV stations will definitely try to interview that guy. Anyone seen any interview footage?
I have become less prone, over time, to make "knee-jerk" conclusions like "liar", etc. These are computer controled cars and my computers have done some bizarre things. I also am not educated enough about fail sages. So, I use some other experiences and training to make general observations. If Toyota has made 'fail safes" and tested them rigorously...then I will say my skepticism reigns high. I also know, when people get surprised, frightened, stressed, they lose logical thought. Example, get into your car, start it up, and push on the gas to back up. NOW, if you, for some reason, had it in drive and you are suddenly jumping a curb heading for a pedestrian...there is a HIGH likelihood you will jam on the gas even harder and SWEAR you were hitting the brakes and they failed. I have also investigated a crash where the driver swore his brakes failed yet i observed over 100 ft of skid marks. This driver just could not believe he couldn't stop before hitting the child (THAT is traumatic) We can calmly state that pushing the power button or park would have solved the problem...but when sh*t is happening, you do not think clearly. You will then revert to what has worked in the past or just "panic". Either way, when things are done and you try to calmly reconstruct the is very hard to do. I speak from training and experience in this. Our PD videotapes officers using simunlated ammunition in gun fights. It is amazing what is done vs what is remembered when you are being shot at. I believe the premise of the story that the car suddenly accelerated (this happens to "notmal" cars...what I am skeptical about is ALL the factors that contributed or were tried. Lastly, what does the owner/article write WANT toota to do...they couldn't find a problem. Ahhhh, maybe he wants a FREE new car or a refund.