Hi All I am new to PC. I purchased my "Lola" in May 2012. I have noticed (including my Lola) there are 6 Prii in my parking lot at work. How many Prii do you see in your parking lot? Thanks
I am self employed, I visit my clients on the average once every 5 years, their copier typically has a 5 year lease, most have no issues during the lease. Thus, I have no real commute and do not arrive in the same parking lot frequently. Having so many clients in a rural area, I drive about 30,000 miles a year. (Grenada, MS to Tunica Resorts, MS, And Hollandale MS to Marianna, AR) Once upon a time, they did a survey and found that MS had the fewest Prius per vehicles, 1 in 1400 cars. I frequently go weeks without seeing any Prius other than my own on the road. At the Theatre I volunteer at, I see another Prius, an Insight, a Smart, and 2 Minis, but theatre people are not mainstream.
Out of 80, there are 2 others that drive a Prius at my work. At the main office in California with 5 multistory buildings there are more Prii, Leafs, Teslas, and a couple Zaps.
Of a parking lot of several hundred vehicles there are 2 - 2010 Prii, one Honda Civic Hybrid and one new Honda Insight. There are many small cars such as the Toyota Yaris, Matrix, Echo, Ford Focus, Honda Civics, etc. Sad to say, most of the rest of them are pickup trucks. But, living on the coast, this is a sportsman's paradise. Most that work here pull boats during the summer and have dog boxes on the back for deer hunting in the winter.
Theres two of us at my work...me and my co-worker I have my Prius and she has a 2002 Saturn SL2. BUT since I bought my Prius Ive noticed there are 5 other Prius in my neighborhood. Two houses are two Pri households, thats kinda cool. And now when Im driving I notice ALOT more Prius than I ever have, they're everywhere!
It will probably not surprise anyone that CA has good number of Prii. I usually get to work fairly early; sometimes I'm the first one, sometimes there are a few that make it before me. A few months back when I was driving my 2000 Honda Insight, when I arrived to work the following three vehicles were already parked in the lot. Gen I Prius Gen II Prius Gen III Prius When I parked, that made 4 cars in the lot, all Hybrid.
I do love to discover myself in impromptu clusterings four or more different hybrids/EVs. My first sighting of a Malibu Hybrid was in such a cluster on the highway.
Haha...thats funny Fuzzy - if Im parking somewhere and spot a Hybrid, I try to park next to it. I just feel safer in numbers