another deal is this.... Qualified Teachers can receive up to $4,650 when leasing a new 2012 Prius Plug In -$1500 "Toyota Loves Teachers" Prius Plug In Lease Bonus Cash -$3,150 Lease Bonus Cash Offer Ends 10/1/2012 Fine Print *Offer only valid for teachers grades K through 12 that are certified in Connecticut, New York or New Jersey. Must present copy of valid teaching certificate issued from a State Board of Education to qualify. Payment to cover first month's lease payment only, up to $500. Leases on approved credit from Toyota Financial Services. Some restrictions may apply. $250 gift cards from Teacher Created Resources will be issued to the customer once the vehicle is delivered. Gift card can only be applied towards inventory available through Teacher Create Resources. Qualifying customers can expect to receive their electronic gift card via email within five business days from the date their information in entered by the dealer. See participating dealer for details. Offers end 10/1/12.
returning? you can return a car? i do really like the new brown/tan color does the PIP come in that color?
well, if you buy something at the store, and then they put it on sale, they will usually refund the difference. if not, you can sometimes return it at the old price and purchase another at the new lower price.
These new deals are incredible....I have a family full of teachers so I sent them all the teacher deal. $4650 off! wow! I was impressed with my $3150 off. Dan
Ok, I need to call Dianne again. This pricing is getting rather silly. Could I possibly get into a PIP for what I am paying now for a Three? Hmmmm
here is even a better deal...I typed in my NY zipcode but other states may be included. $3500 0ff plus 0% financing! WOW! Dan
Would I still be eligible for the CA and FED rebates if I drove one home from an area offering $3500? I will be on the East Coast soon and have a few vacation days.
The taxes usually depend on the state that the car's registered in, so you may have to discuss this with the dealer you purchase from.
if the dealer is willing to do the legwork for filing DMV papers or be willing to have you bail on the paperwork for some odd reason, yes. CVRP does not care where you bought the car as long as CA is the first state in which it's registered.