Does the Prius' TPMS employ a sleep mode to conserve battery? I.e., stop transmitting when the wheels are not in motion. All the information I see state that they transmit once per minute, there is no mention of a sleep mode. Also, I am assuming that the communication is one-way, the TPMS ECU cannot talk back to the sensors to put them to sleep or wake them up. Is this correct?
Yea I saw that article, which is what prompted my question. If Toyota indeed uses a motion cancelled "sleep mode", and I adjust the pressures and reset the TPMS after the car has been parked and tires cooled off for a while, what is 'waking' the sensors to register the new read? One might speculate the change in pressure when you adjust the pressures will wake them, but what if only 2 out of 4 tires needed adjustment, what is waking the other two?
A friend has a 2002 Corvette on it's original sensors. I think he is doing better than most people. I have seen a writeup on the Corvette forum by a guy that dug the old batteries out of the potting compound, replaced them with new batteries and re-potted them. I don't think I will ever go that far, but it's nice that someone figured it out. How to replace TPM Sensor Batteries - Corvette Forum Note: May not be applicable to Prii configuration sensors. Some more info of limited utility to 99.9% of the population is that the Prius TPMS sensors also transmit temperature.
I do not belive you can read the TPMS over OBD2 on the Prius. It is not on the list. Welcome to Google Docs
I've done it. I used a Mangoose device with boot-leg Tech Stream software. Both the temperature and pressure. I don't know how to do it with more generic devices.
Does it show the PID using the Toyota Tech Stream software? That would be a nice addition to the spreadsheet.
I didn't use it much and don't remember seeing the PID, Critic is more familiar with the device and software.
TPMS uses the KWP connection to OBD2. Scangauge/ELM can't cope with the protocol that Toyota uses on KWP. The Techstream scantool that dealers use does communicate with TPMS, providing individual tire pressures and temperature.
For those wondering why temperature is important, knowing the temperature of the tire helps the ECU adjust for warm vs. cold pressure to avoid alerting at an over-pressure situation due to heat. However, low pressure combined w/ high heat could warn for an impending failure (especially under high weight loads). I have no idea if the ECU is taking that into consideration, but temperature helps offset pressure changes under normal use.