My previous new car was a 1990 Corolla. The Prius C is only the second new car I have purchased for myself. I'll be happy if I get a similar length of service. By the time my wife and I are done with a car, there isn't much left. It's not that we abuse the cars. We simply run them until it's no longer viable to repair them. We've traded/sold 5 cars to this point for an average return of $130. Only two of them were still running when we sold them. Tom
That's what I thought about my '08 Yaris, till the POS started having all sorts of issues at 66k miles. If my C doesn't fare far better, I'm done with Toyota. ><
At least 5 yrs and then I will be waiting for another cool ORANGE vehicleto be released...hopefully good on gas mileage
I'll keep it for 5 years/75 k . At that point, we will see how much improvement comes to the new Camry Hybrids or other potential hybrids. Then I'll consider trading up.
I hope that your Yaris was a freak thing cause that why I got a Toyota. Hopefully the c will prove to he a very reliable car. Only time will tell I guess. I didn't purchase the extended warranty. iPhone ?
The old one, an '82 Tercel, has lasted thirty years. The C is better so should last at least that long.
I was thinking the same.. but I don't know if I want to pay off my C just to get a new loan to pay each month. I guess it depends on how far the hybrid/electric technology advances by that point.
I know what you mean, I didn't have a car payment for five years and it was great. But yes it will depend on how far the technology advances.
This is exactly what I was going to say haha. This didn't happen with my last car (which I tossed for the C) but I generally plan on keeping my cars until the wheels fall off as they say. No specific time or mileage, just until the upkeep of the car ends up being more trouble than I feel like a car payment would be. I drove my tC for about 150k, no car payment for 6 months was amazing, and then I totalled it... during which the front passenger wheel was torn off.. so I ended living up to my words more literally than I meant to SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 ? 2
Aiming for a minimum of 8-10 years for me. I went 14 years on my last car - would think that Toyota should be able to at least match that.
Well, I'm 58 and this may be the last car that I buy. I only have to walk one mile to work, so I won't put too many miles on it. I figure in 40 years this baby will be a collectors item. I'm hoping I will be too.
Until it dies. I don't mind replacing batteries. Did it once in the Civic Hybrid, not scared to do it again...I just don't want it to happen tomorrow...but that is what a warranty is for
I get this! I figure this is my next to last car I buy.....need to time the last one to be paid off before retirement but I want this one to get me close (I'm early 50s).
Hopefully 10 years here also. By then I'll be just about ready for my mid-life crisis so who knows what I'll end up with next.
3 years 50k miles. I'll finish B school in 2 years and will have a lot of work to do the following year. After that I'll get something a bit bigger for my family.