If you haven't seen it, it portrays black people as being totally clueless, and as a further insult the car is a piece of German garbage. And while I'm on the subject the Germans took a beautiful front wheel drive, aerodynamic, roomy Chrysler Concorde and turned it into a boxy rear wheel joke.
I like how they made the front so aggressive and then the back, they gave up and made it look like a rabbit. Sure, people will get out of the way when they see the grille, then laugh their heads off when they see the rabbit-looking taillights and rear end design
Charger shouldn't have been 4 door. BUT!!!! now there is the Challenger. That thing rocks! Very true to the original.
I haven't seen the ad so don't know the issue. But I wanted to point out that you don't have to be black to protest it.
Man, I gotta say, a movie about gay cowboys, hmm... Let me put it this way, it could be the greatest movie in the entire world, that is, the best movie ever made, and I would still choose to go see Aeon Flux! It's not that I'm homophobic, it's just that I only have so many hours in a day, and given the choice, there are so many other things that appeal to me than watching gay cowboys come to terms with their gayness. Since I am not gay myself, I would likely opt for a movie about a cowgirl coming to terms with her own sexuality and getting it on. But, you know good for them for doing it. However, I'll be watching Aeon Flux. Or Narnia. Or The Matrix (again). Or a screening of Fight Club at the art theater. Or It's a Wonderful Life. Or (insert just about any other movie here). But hats off to you, Gay Cowboys. You have certainly gone where no man has gone before (or ever wanted to). Nate
Fight Club is possibly the greatest movie ever made. Squid, you probably don't figure me for a 6'5", 285 lbs either. By the way, I'm the type that ALWAYS backs down from a fight. (Not that many people pick a fight with me). But if the opportunity to back down was eliminated, there would be no holding back. Just because I find violence distasteful doesn't mean I'm not good at it. Just because I don't like guns doesn't mean I don't know how to use one. Just because I don't like the Dodge Charger doesn't mean I don't know how to drive it. My favorite part of the movie could be when "the unamed" explains the automobile recall policy to his seatmate on the airplane. I'm not going to insinuate that they are referencing a real company, but it makes you think. Nate
:lol: You're like a friend of mine back in Connecticut... Couldn't hurt a fly, but if you poked his eye out (his personal paranoia), or get near his eye with a sharp object, you better damn well run because your life would depend on it... Anyway, that WAS/IS a great line... Not only do I think they WEREN'T making it up, I'm relatively sure similar mechanisms are common practice... My favorite part is when Tyler is getting beaten down by the Lou, the bar owner, then gets on top of him, laughing while yelling, "WHERE HAVE I BEEN LOU!!! WHERE HAVE A BEEN!!" while spilling his blood all over him! h34r:
My partner has a Dodge Charger but it is sadly only a restored 69 (I think that is the right year). Hard to get the right gas for it. All I am sure of it makes some really nice sound from under the hood. He also has a 40's (can't remember the year) Ford Jeep from the time that the Big three where competing for the contract to build the Jeep for the War.
Now that this is officially the Fight Club thread.... I remember being totally shocked, surprised, and delighted by this film. I knew nothing about it when I saw it and thought it was going to be some brainless action film cut from the same mold most hollywood drivel is cut from. I absolutely loved the film. Capital. Great. Very original and thought provoking. Defintely twisted. The designer soap is the best part of the whole thing. [Broken External Image]:http://images.allmoviephoto.com/1999_Fight_Club/edward_norton_brad_pitt_fight_club_001.jpg
lol - I don't watch a lot of TV, and while I went to see all of the Harry Potter and LotR movies, I can count on one hand the 'other' movies I've seen in the past five or six years. I confess my surprise (and, amazingly enough, interest!) in hearing about a gay cowboy movie. I won't be going to the theatres for it (surprise) but a quick search yields good things about it - I'll probably catch it once it's released. I've tried to be more open to movies I didn't think I liked since I caught Chocolat. =)