Good for you. I checked my tire pressures from the dealership and they were low at 30 psi. I also scotch guarded by Lt gray interior and waxed my Blizzard Pearl paint job within the first week. Enjoy!
On my to do list this week is to Scotchguard the seats and waxing. Then I will be getting the windows tinted. The tires appear to be inflated ok, but now that you say that, I will check. The car had just come to the dealership recently, and nobody had driven it yet. We arrived at the dealership 1 hour before they closed (this has been a strategy that has worked for us many times in the past) and since it was about 10:00pm by the time we finished negotiating/signing docs, tire inflation may have gotten overlooked...
Just picked up our first Prius III last night. Got 55 MPG on the way home, hoping that is going to be accurate and normal.
Welcome, If your going by the cars readout on the dash, it is 4 mpg off. So 51 mpg for your first is pretty darn good!
Welcome new BB members! 176. TN Traveler 177. Spokanepriusgrl 178. KKirk 179. Wayward Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Been posting since earlier last week, but forgot to post in this thread until tonight. Brought home my 2012 Blizzard IV on Wednesday and am loving it. Looks great next to the wife's Blizzard Venza. Already put on the mudguards, I am going to hold off on tint for awhile. Glad to be a part of the group.
Don't feel bad, I did know it was out there and I forgot to post to this thread until 5 days later lol. Btw for people who are interested in protecting their keys The Jacketstore . com Home of the Keyless Remote Protective Cover sells nice rubber key protectors. I have been using their site since back with my 2008 Camry... lol that's 4 cars ago wow sad. Ordered them Thursday night got them Monday in the mail. They sell them for every model of Toyota key basically, no shipping, I think it was just under $14 for both keys. No affiliation, just a heads up.
I guess I'm #181! Just finished adding blue decal to the wheels and tinting scheduled for next week. Only had the car for about 3 weeks and loving it!
i have the lowes caps sitting in my closest for 4 months now. and i have a super pricey official prius plus cap. i dont get everyone's holdup on centercaps.
Good job self numbering troops, welcome to the BB. 180. Seizier 181. watchingthetides 182. wotcher Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.