OK.. I Know all about how the $3150 estimated/guessed at/written about Federal Deduction works. (BTW.. Has the IRS given it's official word on the Prius Credit???) Anyway, let me see if I understand this part. The credit for the manufacturer, where it gets phased out after the 60k sales level... My understanding is that is the TOTAL for this legislation. So, even though the program lasts through 2010, in all certainty, Toyota 's sold after say the 2nd quarter (& definitely this year) will no longer have any credits available for consumers. Again, my understanding is the 60,000 is not an annual mark, but the total for the legislation. Am I correct? :huh: (My apologies if this has been covered before)
The hybrid tax credit is not necessarily good news for Toyota. The Prius is production limited now (or close to it)... so they will sell the same number of cars with or without the tax credit. However, over the next several years... after the production of Prii is increased... and sales are capped by demand... then Toyota will be at a competitive disadvantage vs companies just entering the hybrid space. /Jim
\ Yes, interesting. The only good reason for it expiring, will be that any current Prius owner will have their sales price back up to where it should be..
Could someone explain to me why the boneheaded legislature would give a tax credit for buying a Hybrid?? It is not the place of the Feds to mess around with the free market system! Did they think there would be no demand for Hybrids? Did they think we would snatch up their paltry sum like placing a Scotch and Soda in front of Ted Kennedy? I resent this intrusion into our freedom. Therefore I say we rise up and refuse to accept our tax credits!! Unfortunately I got mine last year and the money is already spent so I cannot participate. But for the rest of you, join the revolution and refuse to be put on the government dole. It is your civic duty!
imntacrook: Are you nuts? If anyone wants to hand me $3150 ask me if I will ignore it. Oh, Wisconsin is looking to give me $1000 too. Guess what? Everyone who has a Prius will be telling all their friends about it. Ever hear of "word of mouth"? Indeed, a very good way of advertising. I'm all for helping something positive even at the expense of putting money in my pocket.
I'm with you. Who do those Feds think they are? It's automotive discrimination pure and simple! Break of the torches and we will march on Washington. I will refuse that socialistic tax credit!!! Oh wait a minute. My wife says I better claim the credit or else! :blink: Never mind.
I think Hybrids have all the "word of mouth" they need, and Toyota had nothing to do with our tax laws. But I can see them in Tokyo holding their sides over the free sales incentive our congress gave them.
Well it may not be thier right.. but they do it so much its now considered the "the american way"... otherwise they could go to a basic 10 or even 5% tax across the board without any deductions, credits, or tax shelters. They would have more money than they knew what to to do with! We would be out of debt so fast? But then they would lose all thier leverage to manipulate the economy? Why does money cost more one month verses another... they also mess with interest rates to maintain stasis and balance to the economy.... isn't that violating the free market system?... shouldn't pure demand and supply make the rules?..... they mess with it alot! right or wrong.. its the american system.