I see from reading on here that many doctors are buying Priuses. Maybe it's because they like the technolgy of them? Anyway since I now own a Prius and a diehard Prius fan I wanted to know if I could ask a doctor a couple questions on something that is happening with my daughter. Please let me know. I can post it here on this thread. (Maybe get a few opinions) I'm just baffled that she has now seen 4 doctors and nobody can seem to take care of the issue. I hope a kind doctor would please let me just ask a couple questions. I would greatly appreciate it. The last doctor said something that just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Please from one Prius owner to another. Tracy PS Even just telling me what we should do now after seeing 4 different doctors. Do we go to a 5th? Her insurance is almost going to expire in March so I'm now in a rush to figure this out.
If a Family Practice Doc would be of help... (specific expertise in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Depression) can e-mail me at work jonachu at sarmc dot org
Tracy, i hope everything is well with your family.., Docs@!! you need to disquise your email addies or you will bombarded by SPAM. use the word at instead of that symbol. there are bots that crawl the web looking for email addys to put on a list that gets sold to spammers
Even to the point of messing-up a perfectly legitimate email address - one of my email addresses has the word spam in it . . . bots are programed to take it out. That email box never gets spam, and I use it for the most hazardous of situations too. I think the Ethiopian spamers are also afraid to send to it. :lol: Lets hope our resident docs can solve the mystery medical mystery.
aw, sorry to hear about your daughter's illness. i've been a medical mystery more than once, and it's more times than i ever cared to be one. be persistent and always tell your doc everything that's going on. i have always been a bad patient in that i don't tell the whole story to avoid sounding like i'm whining. i always preferred to suffer in silence if i was to suffer at all. not good. good luck, tracy not to hijack the thread, but here's a question for the ob/gyn's out there that i'd appreciate opinions on: DES (diethylsilbestrol) second generation daughters are just now reaching childbearing age. has anyone seen any major complications in fertility or pregnancy in someone with this family history? there are NO good papers out there in the literature describing the second generation (that is, daughters of DES daughters) although i did see in one paper they thought the mutation was in the somatic cells. i just don't want to be trying to have a baby for 5 years once we're ready...