Today I noticed that my car was reading in Kilometers not miles. My first thought was to goto the basic settings where the time and date etc. is located. There was no setting for units of measure ment. I searched the manual and found nothing. I then searched through the other menus and saw nothing regarding units of measurement. I did see that on the navigation screen there is a unit of measures in Car Settings , which was set to Miles. ( this is the big screen where your music displays, bluetooh etc.). I went into the Toyota dealership to find some answers. At first they did not know either. It took them awhile but I found out that the Kilometers/Miles toggle is located in the Eco savings/trip Menu and there is a toggle between miles and kilometers, when pressing Trip or display. (Can't recall which one) . However there is No visual setting you can see on the menu. Such as Miles or Kiloters with a simple check mark or box. It only toggles when you press the trip or display button. It is a very hidden feature. Terrible interface design toyota. This is a main feature that SHOULD be located in the main settings, not hidden in Trip. I find the entire menu system frustrating in general. You hit display and it goes in a circle forward. There is no Back. If you over shoot , have fun going in circle in the menu again. Why not have one of the other buttons perhaps Trip go Backwards? Other then that I have been happy with my Prius C. However I have had it for only 2 weeks and the side molding on the passagener side is coming off. What the heck? My first tank of gas got me 55 mpg. Not bad. Toyota please hire a better interface designer!
mine has a button on the dash, but i never use it. same with the gen II, didn't use it in 8 years. maybe if you're going back and forth between u.s. and canada?
It was interesting to see. I looked down and saw "70" while driving. I was like, "Woh my god! Something's wrong here! I am definitely not going 70 MPH!" I felt so disconnected