I had a Toyota dealer here install the following parts to my Japanese import 2006 Prius... Main Cruise Control switch 8463234010 Cable to connect the switch 8463348020 Steering wheel right lower cover 4518647010C0 Double-Throw Stop Light Switch 8434020060 But the system doesn't work. The dealer believes it's "software isn't loaded", but I find it confusing because a lot of people online have said adding Cruise Control works. At first I was missing the Stop Light Switch, so I understand why, but then I took that in, they installed it, and it still didn't work. I'd be a bit embarrassed to bring it in a third time, but perhaps there's something I can do myself? Any thoughts at all would be a huge help. Thanks!!
Sounds a bit strange. A 2006 HV ECU that does not support cruise control....Wth You can try getting a miniVCI cable from EBay and do your own active testing of your cruise control and go from there. It should become obvious if the software does not support cruise control.
Yeah, I can see it has the "CRUISE" light in the dashboard. orry I remember the dealer said they tested the main cruise control switch and that worked, it sent the right signals. That's what the miniVCI cable would tell me, if I understand correctly? I've seen online people list those parts as working to add cruise control to a 2004 Prius. Is it possible the 2006 model may need different parts? The main switch was listed on ebay as a "2006" part, but perhaps the stop light switch is different. Perhaps I should try another different dealer, do you think?