I bought one last night, not really intending to, really just feeling out the dealer and how low I could get him to go on the deal. I used Carwoo to get multiple quotes so I knew what the ballpark was. I ended up getting a blizzard pearl with dark grey interior, just as I wanted. I ended up paying $500 under "invoice." I was told that in my Northwest market, this was not common, but they had to make quota. That was from the sales manager. Could I have gotten a better deal at another dealer? I probably could have, but then I would have had to factor in travel expenses, and it would have been a wash. I could hardly sleep last night, I was so excited to finally be the owner of a Prius!
Welcome aboard! Sounds like a good deal, what was the price before taxes, etc? Be sure to sign up for the Blizzard Brigade. Enjoy the ride!
Thanks!!! MSRP was $25,309. I paid $23,711. I forgot what "invoice" was. Probably not as great a deal as others I've read, but I couldn't buy a car last month during the labor day sale. If I play the "could have, should have, would have" game with myself, I will go crazy, and I bought the car to enjoy it, so that's what I'm going to do!
Just order a Prius v pkg 3 myself, congrats to buying the best car you will ever own! I now own a Prius 2nd Gen pkg 3. And absolutely LOVE it ! I' m actually am scared that my Prius V won't be as good as the one I now own but I'm counting on Toyota to deliver a great product!