Hey, I have been driving my new prius for just a week or so and I love it. I do notice that my blind spot seems a bit larger then what i'm used to... what are your blind spot suggestions? I am thinking of getting as tiny as possible concave mirror to attach to the inside bottom corner of each side mirror... what do you think? which one doesn't suck? or at least stucks least... thanks! r.
I don't understand the resistance? As much benefit and I think added safety that simply adding those small concave mirrors adds? I don't get some peoples resistance to using them. I've added them to every vehicle I've owned...from Pick-Up with a Canopy and a horrible blind spot...to my current Honda Fit. If a quick or hurried glance, and a image in the concave mirror stops someone from making an quick ill advised lane change? It's well worth it. But I've noticed (especially it seems with younger people) that using a concave mirror seems to be a badge of dishonor or something? I think they help a lot, come in almost every variety of sizes and shapes...and look pretty unobtrusive. I don't think they "suck" at all....
I belive you guys mean convex mirrors...the ones that look like little domes. Concave means they are little bowls...=) That said I agree with snijd...I love convex mirrors.
Or if you install European side mirror glass which has the convex mirror built in at the far end. Having looked on ebay, non Toyota parts can be had from £8 ($11?). Make sure you order the LHD version as the convex mirror is only on the drivers side. That way you get the benefit of the convex mirror without the awful stick on aftermarket look.
Search the internet for "autobahn" mirrors. I have one attached to the driver side "a" pillar with the self adhesive tape and a short screw into the plastic. Easy to do, does not interfere with the air bag. Have used them for years in last 5 cars. You could also do one on passenger side, but I also have a "Broadway" mirror attached to the rear view mirror to give me a larger view thru the right side windows. Griot's Garage also has them for $20.00. Wife took the camera or I would get a pic for you. Advantage to these over the ones you stick on the mirrors is these don't fog up in cold weather, or get wet in rain.
I found that adjusting my mirrors to expose more of the road and less of the side of my car works great. I tilt them out far enough that I actually have to move my head to see the sides of my car. This basically eliminates the blind spot when combined with looking over your shoulder.
After a close call on my motorcycle due to having to look over my shoulder to clear my blind spot long ago...I decided to add them on my F4i too. I've witnessed too many things in the ER to worry about other people's opinions. Honestly, If I cared about what other people think, I probably wouldn't of ended up buying a prius. Bottom line, find the suggested solution that works for you and go with it. Personally, I feel uncomfortable driving a car that doesn't have a set of convex mirrors nowadays.
What F8L said; I have mine adjusted so that there is no blind spot big enough for a car; by the time they're out of my rear view mirror, they're into my side mirror. When they're out of my side mirror, I can see them next to me. I still check over my shoulder, of course. Here's an illustration and instructions.
I'm also using my mirrors this way, the one exception is I also have convex mirrors placed on the lower inside corners of both side mirrors. I'm too used to seeing the side of my vehicle and what's behind me in my side mirrors to give that up. The convex mirrors still give me a view of that with the added benefit of being able to see stall markings when parking.
I have used those instructions to adjust my mirrors. It is how I keep my mirrors, and it does work. However, I still use a convex mirror. It's just another level of safety. Often times in driving, especially on the freeway, at freeway speeds, life and death, or "accident" decisions are made at an immediate split second rate. If a convex mirrors saves me from making one ill advised move? It was worth the very modest expense. I also think despite being able to better adjust your mirrors...which everyone SHOULD do, the truth is mirrors get knocked in parking lots...or slowly find themselves out of adjustment. If your mirror get's knocked in a parking lot, or slightly pushed going through a car wash, or being washed...and you don't immediately notice it? A convex mirror can still be a life saver. My advice would be to do both....adjust your mirrors properly and get use to using the 3 mirror technique, but also buy a convex mirror.
So why don't your side mirrors get the convex end like the Euro and JDM versions? Surely it's a simple safety improvement for minimal outlay by Toyota.
I had a pair of convex mirrors on my SUV and I found the view on them too small to be of any practical use, especially at night. On my Prius mirrors are adjusted as F8L has described and it works perfectly for me.
SUVs and vans typically have larger side mirrors. I used 3 inch convex mirrors on my side mirrors when I had an SUV, not the smaller ones.