Congratulations, Macbeth! She's a long way from broken in yet, you have a lot of fun and learning in store!
Is she Summer Rain? In that photo the blue looks SO different from the sort of aqua-y summer rains I've seen. So....a story about The Cheetoh. My car was named before it even arrived. (BTW, I had a brainstorming session for names with the women in my family and my mom suggested "Cheetoh" and it just clicked.) Whenever I talked to my salesperson for an update, I would call it "The Cheetoh." He apparently internalized that I had named the car after some sort of snack chip, but just couldn't remember which. When the car arrived, he called me and said "I have a Dorito out here with your name on it!" Cracked me up. He still calls it The Dorito. One of these days I need to get a bag of Doritos and one of Cheetohs and see which is closest. In fairness to The Cheetoh, he is a much nicer pinky-orange than the neon-orange of Cheetohs but....the name has stuck.
I know you've repeatedly said the name of your car is Cheetoh but it wasn't until I read this story that it clicked in my head. This whole time I've been thinking you named it cheetah. LOL
Just got my magnetic gray C2 this morning. Definitely female! Her name is "Storm", so she's also badass.