When I open the trunk in our garage, it would gently bump against the sprinkler pipe without a the slightest noise. And then unloading the groceries would cause it to rub, scraping a bit of paint, again without any noise. Maybe I'm stupid, but it took me a couple of months to realize what was going on, by which time I had a morse code of paint chips, down to bare metal, across a foot of spoiler. The sprinkler pipe now has a 1/2" of foam on it, and the spoiler was touched up by the body shop recommended by my Toyota dealership. They did an ugly job, with uneven flat black touch-up paint on a glossy bumper. No charge. But then two weeks later, the crudy touch-up paint starts to flake off on its own, exposing bare metal again. I've seen other posts about spoiler chips, so I guess part of the problem is it just doesn't hold paint too well to begin with. I'd be willing to spend money to have this fixed right, if only it was that easy. Is there a body shop in Toronto that's figured out how to paint that spoiler for good, or are there specific instructions I can give to the shop?
that whole wing comes off and can be painted correctly. somone on this forum did theirs from black to white to match the car. I used the same body shop to do repiars on mine. Just take the wing off and take it to a good body shop and let them prep and paint it correctly
I just got a 202 paint marker from the dealer for $15.35, along with some specific instructions. I'll try it out and post the results.
I got the same 202 paint marker and I thought mine cost $3... However, I did buy it over a year ago so my memory may be off... My advice would be, if you buy the paint marker for your body paint (which I did as well) call around because I think $15 sounds high. Also, I wonder how difficult it would be to remove the spoiler and have it painted. Mine is the 8V1 Winter Grey Metallic color and it would be great to have the bumper that color to... time to search for the previous post
I was good until I jacked up the car with the rear hatch open, and wore off a little section of paint on edge of spoiler. I used Toyota Black 204 Rust-oleum paint I got at parts store for about $6. Worked fine/good match. (The official dealer/factory paint always seems to run higher.)
I got a Dupli-Color "Scratch Fix 2 in 1", tube with brush applicator: Universal Black NG SF 100. Just applied over the worst and most obvious dings. This is from a couple of incidents with our garage door ;(. I've taken my spoiler off once, just to see how it would go. It is a bit of a fight: you need to remove (and/or partially remove) some hatch interior panels, then deal with some bolts and clips. It took me about 45 minutes I think. If you were going to get it repainted it would likely be cheaper and more convenient to just deliver the piece to them. The original finish is a bit of a puzzle: not sure if it's traditional paint, or some sort of plastic layer. I think a gloss black paint job followed by clearcoat, then buffed, would get close.
The dealer's recommended procedure failed. Here's what they said: Polishing compound to remove old touch-up paint, down to bare metal Car wash, no coatings, dry thoroughly Toyota Black 202 paint marker Wait 24 hours Apply the "clear" end of the paint over top I actually used two coats of paint, with 24 hours after each one. And I shook the pen for over a minute before each application. But the clear pen wiped off the touch-up paint right down to bare metal on the first stroke. Best eraser I've ever use, unfortunately that wasn't the point. What went wrong? Thanks for all the suggestions. Did you guys have particular reasons for picking Toyota black 204 or Dupli-color, or is that just what was available and worked out well? I've taken my trunk door lining off already to install a dashcam, so I'm not averse to doing that again to get the whole part painted. That may be the next step.
I had the same experience with the clear coat end of the Toyota pen, resolved never to use it again, just use the color. I think virtually any gloss black will do, whatever touch-up pen or brush is available in your area. Black is black. (Remember that song?) For scratches/chips on a glossy black spoiler touch-up is only going to be a stop-gap method. Down the road you'll need to get it completely redone, likely by a pro. My take is is to just do the stop-gap for now, deal with the worst of it, accept that it will look ok but won't pass close inspection (kind of like the death car in Pulp Fiction), then maybe get it redone close to trade-in time.
There were two Toyota Blacks. I don't remember if the dealer had both or if this was the gloss one, or if this looked better. That was too long ago. I have a bottle. No clearcoat. I know my spoiler was touched up and can find the place because the edge is rough but I don't believe anyone will detect it just on sight. The event happened August 2010 and still looks good as new. I won't touch the swirlies on the top surface. If only they had painted it to match the car.
I picked 204 Toyota Black at random, and it worked out well. So far no peeling, and it's not easy to detect touched-up spot.