I like that one, too. I've seen Nissan 350Z's in reasonable approximations of that color. At first, I wasn't a huge fan of it, but it's REALLY grown on me.
The orange looks like a sherbet or orange julius. [Broken External Image]:http://www.theyummyco.com/topten/drinking/smoothies/images/iced_carrot_orange_smoothie.jpg Not entirely repulsive, but not that attractive either.
Hey, Maggie, if you're really bored, you could do a screensaver with a whole bunch of Prii in candy colours coming out of a Smarties box. How long will it be before we see plastic mini-Pri in cereal boxes? I remember SSTs in my breakfast cereal. (Oops. There I go giving away my age again. I'm glad I don't feel as old as I am. Well, most days. )
Playboy used to give pink cars to their Playmates of the Year. Maybe they'll bring back the tradition!
I like the other orange too. One great benefit to having an outstanding color is that it is eay to find your car in the lot. There is another Salsa Prius that ofetn ends up in the same parking lots with mine. I get very confused........ :blink:
WOW a blind man could find that one in the dark!! I think I might have sustained some retinal damage!!
The orange is pretty good. How about the IS Yellow they had a few years ago on the IS 300? That would be interesting. B)
Can you make a picture of a dark navy blue Prius? I have always said that they should have that color available. It would be soooo nice!
Not sure how I feel about the orange/yellow Prius. There IS, however, a market for it: [Broken External Image]:http://www.startribune.com/stonline/images/news31/vikepack0996.l.jpg
Toyota definitely needs to come out with more fun colors! Enough of all these dull boring funeral colors all the car manufacturers only produce these days :angry: . One day I will get my Prius re-painted because I do not like the dull color I have now (Ha! It was the brightest color Toyota offered. What a joke). I'm planning either a bright light blue from the 1973 Porsche 914, "Olympic Blue", or a nice sunny yellow from the VW New Beetle, "Sunflower Yellow" B) .
Orange only if you live in Orange County, CA or belong to the Orange County Prius Club... grin.. [attachmentid=1781]
From John1701a's site- animates all the 2004-2005 colors. http://john1701a.com/prius/animations/Priu...w-Of-Colors.gif