It looks like there are several posts about iOS 6, so I thought I'd put together a list of questions with known answers. Most of these are based off of HDD system comments / questions, but they probably apply to the DA in some manner: Messaging Q. Why is messaging still unavailable? A. With the iPhone 5, or after upgrading to iOS 6, you need to enabled "Show Notifications" within the Bluetooth settings for the paired device. Go to Settings -> Bluetooth -> Select the device, i.e. CAR Multimedia -> Enable Show Notifications. This will enable MAP. Some find that re-pairing the device helps as well. Q. Why are my reply messages not going through? Why do I get an error when I try to reply? A. Reply is not enabled by iOS. Q. Messaging shows it's enabled, but I don't see any on my list? A. Only new messages received after the phone pairs with the car will show up with iOS. Entune App Q. Why does my app keep crashing? A. After a restore, the app crashes. The way to fix it is to uninstall the app and then reinstall. Q. Do I still need to cable my phone on the DA? A. Yes, this situation hasn't changed with iOS 6. DA still requires a USB connection. Misc Q. Why does my system show an error for too high power draw? A. It seems like this is caused primarily by aftermarket USB cables. Connect with an Apple USB cable. I'll try to keep this updated if anything else pops up across the web / forums.
I should be getting my iPhone 5 next week. With my current iPhone 4, I need to use the cable to take advantage of Entune features. Will this still be necessary with the iPhone 5?
yes unless you buy a hotspot option. Many threads on this. Display Audio only. Premium Navigation / ATP has always worked wirelessly in Entune. Amazing how many don't know how to search in the google era...
My iPhone 5 running iOS 6 does NOT require cable tethering w/ my v Five w/ ATP. I can't confirm with the Display Audio w/ Entune head unit, but with ATP, it works fine. It works fantastic, actually. My Pandora and Bing searches show up far quicker with the 5 and with perfect reliability. My Entune was near unusable with my iPhone 4 running iOS 5. iOS 6 on my 4 fixed the connection issue, but I didn't confirm that it worked wirelessly. I had my 5 within a few days of upgrading to iOS 6 so I didn't think to check.
With the HDD system you could always connect via Bluetooth, it was just quite unstable in iOS 5. For the DA you still need to connect via USB for the Internet data.
Realllly? I never had any luck with it. I was under the impression this was an Apple issue not allowing the internet connection to be shared via bluetooth rather than a Toyota issue.
Yeah, it's always worked over Bluetooth on the HDD. The data over Bluetooth or USB thing is part Toyota, part Apple. One benefit to having to cable it is you get higher quality audio when cabled vs. Bluetooth audio. The Bluetooth benefit is, of course, it's wireless so it's more convenient. But, with iOS 5 anyway, there were some connection consistency issues.