I am considering getting a ScanGauge. Leaning towards the E over the II at this point, but not really sure how useful either will be. One thing I can see using it for is grill blocking and watching coolant temp as I try to adjust grill blocking %. What else may I use one for to improve FE, or something else. Also as far as the E or II is concerned, I am not the interested in horse power or the like. But is there any other reason the II would be better for me than the E? Does the E pull codes and allow for clearing of dash light error notifications? Thanks for your help!
I couldn't find info info with my first few searches, but recently located http://priuschat.com/threads/scangauge-e-vs-scangauge-ii.94110 Sorry for being "that new guy" that doesnt preform proper thread searches before posting.
I have a II which I just had upgraded to the new firmware. Even in a Gen III, it really helps understand what driving procedures help or hinder better mileage. I watch battery amps (need XGauge), segment mpg, rpms and iMPG. The segment mpg feature makes it worth the price.
The II is what you want. I believe the E has limitations to pulling codes I believe like you mention.
Does the E only have two gages displayed at a time? That would reduce the utility. I have the II, and settled on the following (not very adventurous): MPG RPM iMPG Coolant temp RPM gives you better feedback as to when the engine is off. The Prius dash might say it's off, but at higher speeds it's still idling. MPG and instantMPG give mileage since last start up and current MPG. I find them both handy. Coolant temp is good for blockheater, grill block, but primarily gives you feedback as to what "state" the car's likely to be in, if it's going to go Stealth EV mode and so on. All in all I'm glad I got it, like the feedback, glance it often.
Get the II. Get the E. It does not matter just get one. It have greatly helped me pull down some major mpg numbers. I've had trips of 20 miles or so of 90 mpg. I will never leave home with put it. Really never I take it with me even when I ride with. Some one els because you never know. It was the best 160$ I've spent. . . Well there was that one time in Vagus but still you will not regret it if you care about mpgs
Thanks everyone. I am definitely going with the II. I'd hate to wish I got the II later. I also hope it convinces my wife to start hypermilling with me (we car pool and split the commute).
Revan, Where did you end up sticking the Scangauge? Trying to figure out best place to mount it. Also, have you found the Xgauge codes for the C?