Hi all, I recently successfully installed some Alpine SPR60-C component speakers in my 2005 non-JBL Prius and documented the process. I've uploaded a PDF guide. Feel free to ask questions and point out any errors below. You should also check out Sparky's guide that can be found at this link: http://docs.docstoc.com/pdf/5879625/96374151-072a-49c3-9d87-7d5d271dd125.pdf Edit: This guide is for replacing the front component speakers, not the rear as I mistakenly said in the title.
Kidcharles, your install looks great and your timing is great. I am about to order speakers and take on the install job myself. I was planning on putting together an install guide too, but you beat me to the punch. Two questions… - What was the diameter of the hole for housing the tweeter ? - My wiring will be different in that the feed from the HU will go to the crossover and then split out to the tweeter and mid/woofer. Based on your experience, would there be any issue re-using the factory cabling from the OEM tweeter plug to the woofer? If there isn’t, the only wiring I’ll need to add will be from my new crossover to the new tweeter.
good job! only question i have is did you happen to measure the exact diameter and depth of the woofer hole? i want to stuff the biggest woofer i can in the back doors (hopefully the JL 8"s that i already have), cause i need the cargo area.
The tweeter hole (which is really 3 clips) perfectly accepted the Alpine tweeter that is 1.5" in diameter. (See dimensions here: http://a248.e.akamai.net/pix.crutchfield.com/Manuals/500/500SPR60C.PDF) Any bigger or smaller than that and you'd have to do some modifications. The wiring that leads from the tweeter/crossover receptacle to the factory woofer does not go inside the door but rather fits into a receptacle on the outside of the woofer housing (see Sparky's guide page 5). I think the easiest thing to do is just run a short length of new cable (18 gauge is plenty large) through that hole I discussed in my guide since you will almost certainly need to connect it to the back side of your new woofer, and the factory wire is on the wrong side. I ended up just leaving the factory wire in place but unconnected.
The woofer hole is obnoxiously 7" in diameter which is why there was a small gap when I installed the 6-1/2" bracket. (Edit: Actually the hole is 6-1/2" but the existing screw holes are aligned such that there is a gap if you use them.) I neglected to measure the depth even though I intended to knowing someone would ask. I will say that it was pretty roomy. My speakers were 2-3/8" deep and it wasn't a close fit or anything. The biggest concern is the window which has a curved cut you can see in Figure 9 in my guide. I would say there is at least another 1/2" or maybe 1" beyond that but I could be wrong. As far as getting an 8" in there that would require cutting the steel out another 1/2" all the way around, which is not impossible but not something I personally would attempt. I might be installing some Alpine SPS-60's in the rear in the next few weeks and if I do I'll be sure to measure the depth. As far as bass goes I was thinking I might have to get a sub to fill out the low end but the Alpines have such outstanding and tight bass that I've decided a sub is totally unnecessary. Frankly I don't think I will bother with an amplifier either since the Alpine CDE-135BT head unit controls the speakers pretty brilliantly. Adding either of these things would probably have a pretty marginal effect on the sound for the money.
If you think about it, early model Priuses at some point are going to be considered classic cars, and people are going to keep them on the road as long as they can. I would bet that long into the future these classics are going to be getting audio upgrades.
actually, most of the 8"s have about a 7" cutout diameter, but some are 7.3" and some are 6.95". i don't want to use some pyle may-pop speaker though. i was hoping for precise measurments and being lazy as cat $#!+ i was hoping someone else would do it for me.
Okay, I measured the holes more carefully when doing the rear speakers yesterday. Bad news on the diameter: apparently the hole is actually 6.5" but the existing holes cause there to be a gap when you install the bracket using them. Good news on the depth: the rear windows when rolled down do not go as far down as the woofer hole. There is a metal pipe inside the door (probably a support structure to reinforce the door panel) that limits the depth to 3.5" but overall there's quite a bit of room for the rear door speakers. Good luck.
hm. thanks for the measurements... looks like i'm gonna need to fab a spacer if i want 8"s. or maybe someone makes a 7"??? i just picked up my old '04 from my brother tonight. i may have a door panel off it before the week is out. and i think i'ma buy a double din from crutchfield tomorrow... i can hardly wait. i gots Prii in my driveway!!!
I just finished following these instructions for the Front speaker installation, and wanted to share a few comments. First, it's important to put in something to seal up the opening for the woofer in the door. I used some thick plastic sheet and automotive adhesive (putty-type material) to seal it up. If you don't, the bass response will be reduced. When the woofer moves back and forth, if air is able to flow easily around the cone, the motion of the cone will not produce a sound wave that propagates away from the speaker (and to your ear). This affects the lowest frequencies the most, so if you want any bass, seal it up. Second, I tried installing a different speaker (Polk dB series), but could not remove the tweeter from its protective housing with the polks, and thus could not get it to fit in the factory tweeter opening. I sent that all back and purchased the Alpines mentioned here, and installed them w/o problem. I used small zip-ties to secure the tweeters in the factory openings - otherwise they would work their way loose. Thanks to Kidcharles for a great guide.
I have a bad rear speaker and want to replace both while I'm at it. Can you provide a link for sparky's guide?