I think we can count on Toyota being conservative with Battery life (especially since you are in a CARB state). There have been far more complaints about them being too conservative then the other way.
I live in the High desert area close to Lancaster Ca. The local Dealer Sierra Toyota sells a lot of PIPs and the Service Manager I deal with has nothing but praise for them. I dont think you will have a problem. Too add to my previous post. A couple mods go a long way to making the Prius a bit more satisfying performance looks and drive. 17 or 18" wheels and tires, lower it a inch or so, window tint and a rear sway bar made a world of difference for me. I drive mine hard, in PWR Mode all the time and accelerator down to the floor a lot but I still average 43 -46 mpg on overall driving freeways 85 mph and canyon roads. Thats more than twice what I got out of my other cars and for my yearly miles its a $ 3500 plus savings on gas alone One of my friends wanted Hybrid but could not get over the way the Prius looked so he went Kia Optima and averages about 35 mpg for the same driving and area that I do. Its definatly a more traditional look and sporty but lacks the interior storage room of the Prius and is about 10 mpg less. But its another option. Personally OI like the Volt and the lexus as well and if cost was not a factor Id consider either of them
You have to really have it in your heart to love "the environment" more than all other things. If you don't, it will be a very bumpy road. There are any number of other cars with with better handling, better ergonomics, and better styling. I won't go through them here, but they are plentiful. Even Toyota plans on providing another big bucket full of hybrid models in the next MY or so.
Chuckle...I'm sure the powerful, shiny dinosaurs had the same complaint about the weak, ugly little mammals. Vs. the vast expanse of cheap plastic in the BMW dash. As for the "dog" aspect, the Prius is quite peppy in PWR mode and the fuel economy is still excellent. As for the "handling" and "power", always a puzzle what people mean. Jackrabbit starts at lights? Unsafe lane changes at high speed on freeways to gain two car lengths? The Audi commercial of the guy fantasizing about a high speed chase bank job while waiting for his wife to get coffee pretty much explains the "power" and "handling" issues of car buyers. It's first and foremost about the status and image of expensive, well advertised car and secondarily about driving it in a fantasy world as one cruises in the traffic herd. More about winning a different game, a real one about beating the traffic while driving high tech, aerodynamic, cool car.
The Prius and the BMW 7 series both do what they were intended to do very well. If you can appreciate a car for that, then you should be able to get used to a Prius. If you are focused on performance, handling and luxury to the exclusion of other things, then a Prius isn't for you.
+1 And when you do, insist that the battery be charged or have at least 10+ miles on range in it. Double-tap the driving mode button just above the green start button to select Sport mode, shift into L and see that you can, indeed, have your cake and eat it too. I'd also suggest the leather interior which comes with aut0-heat seats for a little of that lux0 feel.
Great feedback, thanks everyone. I think I will go for the Prius plug in. It's time for a change of car and of mindset. And I think Toyota, based on what everyone has said, is probably the company to buy an EV from. Besides that, I am beginning to find the subject of hybrids and BEVs fascinating. And so I also have the opportunity to learn as well as experience. So now the only question is whether to get the base PIP or the Advanced, at about $32K or $39K (minus what I can get with some heavy haggling).
Cool!! Im really jealous right now. Ive read feedback on PIP owners and they are getting great mpg's (obviously). The car should pay for itself ALOT quicker than my non PIP. Keep us updated.
What is there in the Advanced that you think you can't live without, and which is not available as an add-on? $7k will buy a LOT of gas and electricity! Gadgets or your first 100,000 (gas) miles free?
I was tired of shelling out mucho bucks to feed the Wrangler. Instead of 16mpg, I get 60. I love not having to worry about gas prices as much. Now the Jeep becomes my toy.
Jeesh. And you found the time to sound off.... Didn't you know, peaple get turned off with arrogance.
What arrogance? He's retiring and downsizing a bit. That's not arrogance. That's SUCCESS. BTW, it is "Prius" not "Pruis", unless you were going for "Pious", then you still under achieved.
Series 7 BMW owners are the most loyal owners. They love the car and despise the dealers. But unfair to even think about comparing that car to this car. The Prius does what its designed to do. Point A to Point B very cheaply with little or no maintenance in basic comfort and with little enviro impact. For that mission its stellar.
You are right. I was thinking about this the wrong way. The BMW 7 is a great car, and in fact I think that all BMWs are great driver's cars. So they are fun and satisfying to drive. On that level a Prius can't compete with any of them. But that driving fun comes at a steep price - to the driver and to the environment. You eventually ask yourself if it is worth it.
A Prius has economy car suspension and will never be a great handling car on real roads, but it can be entertaining to drive quickly and smoothly on a twisty road. One perverse advantage a Prius has vs a BMW is that it is more challenging to drive a Prius quickly and smoothly on a twisty road at any sane speed so it is more of a test of the driver than a BMW is.
oh contraire mon ami - many, like my self, began to drive the Prius once I witnessed folks jumping to their death off the twin towers on 9-11. That said, my neighbor drives the 8 series BMW. He looks down his nose at 7's & 'below'. Car snobbery ... too funny. I too - once drank the car snobbery cool-aid, as do all Porsche 911 Cab drivers, toward the lowly Targa. Handling ... it's a thing similar to 4 wheel drive. 4 wheel drive lets you get stuck 10% farther out in the boonies. 'Handling' lets you drive 10% farther prior to being flung over the hair pin cliff. Just as deep sand is to the 4x4, oil & gravel are the nemesis of the handling aficionado. And while the BMW is heading toward the bottom of the cliff ... the Prius will putz merily on down the mountain pass ... at a reasonable and relaxing speed ... all the while comfortably achieving 50mpg. Welcome to the wisdom of Prius-dom.
Oh how many try to label all Prius owners as raving loony hippies wearing big woolly jumpers and drinking yaks milk. BUT once you draw their attention to almost every gallon (UK or US gallon, it doesn't matter ) of foreign oil comes from places who hate and despise our way of life and that by driving that 20 mpg monstrosity that appeals to your sexual inadequacy, you are helping them achieve their goal. Oh how they must laugh when seeing Americans say it's their freedom to drive these big trucks!(allowing the oil $'s to flow in so they can buy the latest missile launcher from Russia or China). Cut your fuel consumption down by half and you cut their funds by half. If everybody in America cut their fuel consumption by 40%, then you'd be self sufficient and wouldn't be helping the hate filled regimes who want you, your neighbours and me dead. Hill posted it more succinctly that I. Remember those people 11 years ago! Then decide what car you really NEED to drive!