Well today I finally sold Big Red (the Bitter) - my 1998 Dodge Caravan - 124K miles - a real cream puff. Could have kept her but my wife did not want 3 cars - one sitting on the road - plus the added insurance etc. To me the deciding factor is some family (I hope) will get a good 7 passenger car at a reasonable price. I sold it to my son-in-laws Dad who has a used car lot in southwestern Virginia. He specializes in older cars that he sells at less than $5K as they are very popular out in southwestern Virginia. Here I am with the Pip (the Sweet). I have had her almost 5 weeks - 800 miles - and still have not seen the gas pump yet (still have 4 PiP bars). I really love this car. Hope she serves me as well as did the van. I trust she will! Rob
Congratulations, love the color Also check out this thread if you haven't already, I only remember seeing the first post, but I believe it mentioned free charging via a rebate program.
It really is. And it changes continuously depending on the lighting conditions. Just don't pay the extra fee for it.
We had a '98 Dodge Grand Caravan. Put over 160K miles on it in 6 years. It served us very well. My only complaint about that van was the brakes. Had to get the brakes done every 25K miles or less, and it kept eating the left front rotor every other brake job. Surprisingly, the transmission was very reliable. Only a minor leak that was easily fixed.