I'm just curious... if you didn't buy a prius, what did you buy? I know it's contradicting, but i would have bought an STI!
I was buying a vehicle for use by my late wife's caregivers to transport her to cancer treatments. Other possible choices were the Fit and Mazda5.
Most likely a small SUV or crossover although I don't really like them. After having the hatch in the Prius, I can't live without it, it is too versatile. And most sedans are boring and don't have the space of the hatch.
I would have bought a Volt but only seating 4 passengers was a deal breaker for me. That said, I love our Prius. No regrets whatsoever. In about 5 years I'll give it to one of my kids and buy a 2nd or 3rd gen PIP or Volt.
My 2009 Prius was recently sat on by an 18 wheeler. I considered 3 cars: A) a new 2011 Prius liftback still on my dealers lot. They showed no interest in selling it. ($1000 off list is not going to move a two year old car) B) a 2012 PiP. Ms Whitmore would ship it to MS from CA for $750 I just could not buy a car sight unseen. C) a 2012 Prius V. I like the cargo room, and I use a car as a cargo carrier most often. So if I had not purchased the Prius, I would have purchased some other Prius.
Honda Insight - Lower cost, though substantially less refined hybrid system & lower mileage. Ford C-Max - Similar cost, but isn't really available at dealers yet.
After having a new Camry Hybrid loaner, possibly one of those. I loved it. I wanted my wife to try out other options such as Honda hybrids and the Volt, but she has wanted a Prius for a long time. Truthfully if she hadn't gotten the 2012 Prius it probably would've been another Sienna!
Looking back, even though I needed a car right away, I should have gotten a bearer for a year and ordered a BR-Z. iPhone ?
In 2001, we looked at: 2001 Prius - 1.5L, no cruise control, hideous green, GPS navigation, $22,000 2001 Echo - 1.5L, cruise control (after market), silver, electric locks, no GPS, $14,250 We bought the 2001 Echo but we sold it for $3,000 to buy my wife's 2010 Prius and never looked back. Bob Wilson
I was on the way to buy a Mini when wife said she would rather have a Prius. This was her first Prius in '05, she's now on her second, a gen 3, and I'm driving the gen 2.