First, I would like to state upfront that I LOVE my Prius and glad I bought it. I only wish I could have held out to get darker seats. So besides the interior color I love my car. Is there anyone else out that that bought a Prius BUT because for one reason or another didn't get the iterior color they wanted? When I first was told that my seats were oak I though NO problem because I planned to get seat cushions anyway. That's why I chose not to worry about getting leather because it would have just been covered up with seat cushions anyway. So my plan was to just change my seats to the charcoal that I wanted. However the whole interior is oak! Would gray charcoal seat covers look ok with all the rest of the stuff being oak? I would appreciate any insight or suggestions anyone can give me on this. I'm just trying to look at what options I have to deal with this now. I guess one option is I could order another car with dark seats and sell mine. But maybe there are other less less drastic I can do. The oak is just to light looking for me and I would be afraid it would get TO dirty. I have a dog that like to go for rides! The first time he jumped in my car he got the seat dirty. So for a temporary solution my daughter let me borrow some black seat cushions she had she was no longer using. Maybe gray and oak will look ok together? I just don't know? Thanks for any help you can give me. Tracy
mmm...personal preference is key. IMO, it would be a pretty decent contrast and would match the upper dash if you put dark charcoal seat covers on. I'd have to go out and look at the interior again to confirm this. The only thing you would possibly think is that the seats and interior are mismatched.
Tracy, I suggest you get black matts and then black seat cushions. I did this with my black BMW X5 a few years back with the dealers suggestion. She asked which color matts did I want and I assumed it always matched the carpet that was in there. But after thinking it over I agreed the black matts might be a better choice (by the way the interior of the car was beige, probably similar to the oak you're talking about). They looked great and seemed to match because my car was black. My present car (to be traded in) is navy blue and I did the same thing....ordered navy blue matts to go over my light grey carpet. It looks good and definately helps hide the dirt. I'm jealous you already have your car. I'm impatiently waiting for my dealer to call.
Ok the top dash color is all black. I had a friend just stop over and she also said the black and oak would go good together. I just don't want to buy all black seat covers, put them in and then not like them. I'm pretty sure I will though. Would my local Toyota deal sell black seat cushions? I would prefer to buy them locally if I can. What color car are you looking for and what package. Did you call around to find something. I ended up buying my Prius at a dealer 2 hours away cause the had the exterior color I wanted and the exact package I wanted. A nice gentleman here was the one who got me calling around further than just locally. I just LOVE my new car B) Tracy
My Seaside Pearl has an ivory interior. I wanted to get GT seat covers and was able to order them from a Toyota dealer. Fortunately they had swatches of the material in different colors which they let me take out and see what would work. I ended up with a charcoal (with a slight pattern) which hides any dirt.
And the charcoal seat covers look ok with the ivory? I suppose gray or black would match anything right? I wish there was a way to make the middle consel darker. Did you put your seat covers on yourself?
I see that this website has some seat covers but nothing black. The darkest would be charcoal.
Yes, I put them on myself. The GT covers also come in a thicker material that's waterproof for pet owners who wish to take their dog or cat for a trip. You can see what they look like at There is also the Wet Oke seat covers, if you wish. Whichever you chose, make sure the covers are set up for the side airbags. Both GT and Wet Oke are.
aaf709, Oh wow your really pimping out your car Your mods: Wheelskin Steering Wheel Cover GT Seat Covers DashTopper Dash Cover MFD Sun Hood Coastal Auto-Lock kit What's a DashTopper cover? What's a MFD Sun Hood? (like a moon roof?) What's a Auto-Lock Kit. (IS that something that makes the door lock automatically?? If so I WANT IT) aaf709 can you pimp my Prius :huh:
So you reccomend GT Seat covers over the Toyota ones from my link? Where the seat cushions hard to put on? Why the airbags. Don't we already have a bunch in the car?
Thanks. Well, the Dash Topper is merely a dash cover. One of the pictures shows that. The MFD Sun Hood can be seen just sticking out over the MFD. I recommend that as it allows you to see the MFD better in bright sunlight. The auto-lock merely locks the doors when you get up to 15mph. Some mods I've seen on this site (including neon) makes mine completely stock.
I gotta go back again and look through your pics. So why do you want the doors to lock on the car? I'm looking for a way to make the doors lock automatically when I leave the car. I though they would with the smartkey. I want some neon too! Also is there a way for me to get online in my Prius? aaf709, Why are you covering your car with a car cover? What's your dash cover for? I have never seen one before? I don't understand what it does for you?
Oh, for safety I suppose. I realize I merely have to push the lock button and achieve the same thing, but my wife's Windstar has that (only it locks when she goes into Drive or Reverse). Coastal Tech, where I got this, has one for the 2000-2003 Prius which locks when the driver fastens their seatbelts and unlocks when the seatbelt is unfastened. I don't know of anybody who's made a device that will automatically lock the doors after a pre-set time.
Do you always drive around with your doors locked? I never have? I guess that's a CA thing? Do you have a cover on your console? It looks like it in the pic?
Not really, just liked it on my wife's vehicle. I wanted to get something from Coastal Tech and wasn't interested in the EV mod at the time. BTW, if you want neon, take a look at the Modify This! thread.
Tracy, Some of the airbags are built into the seats. If you put a seatcover over that does not accomidate the airbag... then the airbag will not function. Personally... I would be very skeptical of any seat covers. Airbag deployment characteristics is not something that I would want to change at all. /Jim