I somehow managed to break my sunglasses holder ... functionally, anyway. I don't think there are any actual broken pieces, but the part that pivots & holds the sunglasses was pulled completely out of the area where it normally is attached. I can slip one side back in, but the other side has a little clippy thing that won't hook in to the pivot point unless pushed somehow. Does anyone know if the whole entire assembly comes out? Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!
got any pictures to help us visualize exactly what came out? it can be a little confusing just reading an explanation
I will post some pics as soon as I upload them. I did remove the two screws but then wasn't able to remove the rest of the assembly - though I didn't pull very hard, not wanting to break anything else!
OK, here is a picture of the cavity where the sunglasses holder used to be. I need to remove that whole plastic assembly (with the map lights & all that) so that I can see if I can push that little white locking clip back into the end of the sunglasses holder. (The other side has a little post that slides into a hole, then the white plastic thing in the picture, pushes into the sunglasses holder on that side & locks it in). None of the platic is broken, BTW, it's just separated in a way that makes it difficult to put back! Otherwise it's $115 for a new one. :-( [attachmentid=4411]
Update ... I still haven't been able to remove the map light/sunglasses holder assembly. So I asked the dealer to take a look & see if they could get it out & pop the little clip back in for me. Not only were they unable to do it, but they also put it back without the little white clip. :-( So now my only choices are either do without the sunglasses holder, or else pay them the $115 for the part plus however long it takes to put it in.
I don't know if this will help. Its does not show much but it is straight from the repair manual PDF. MAP LIGHT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL
The Force, thanks for the pdf if IR-12. I found the map light assembly easy to remove using this information, 1) remove the two philips head screws accessable by opening the sun glasses compartment. 2) remove the lens for the lamps. This allows access to the inside of the assembly. 3) insert angled end of a **mini** breaker bar into the lamp compartment and hook one of the corners of the trim from the inside. Pull down. One of my lamp sockets unclipped from the circuit board. These sit in the curcuit board (visible from the front) and are held in by rotating ~1/8 turn. One of my sockets came out. I needed to get access to the area behind the assemble to retreive and reinstall the socket. Success.