I'm in the process of buying my first Prius and have found a Toyota dealer in NC, that has very attractive pricing on 2012 level two's. One thing I've noticed is almost of them at this dealership have a $399 factory option called "Legal Window Tint for AL, FL, GA, NC, SC-TWAS50". I planning to drive the 350 miles to NC on Friday to purchase, but I'm concerned that this tint will be too dark and interfer with night time visibility. Anyone out there have this factory option that could comment on this? I did a quick search on windowing tinting, but did not see any pertaining to the factory option. I'm not a big fan of window tinting in general, so I hope this factory tint is fairly benign. Thanks. Daryn
We have this on our Prius V that's just a few weeks old. I think you will find it easy to adapt to as it is not the type that some use to "black out" their car.
It's not that dark, so won't interfere with your vision/driving. I had tint on my last car and will be getting it put on my prius soon.
What state are you located in?? Check your states legal tint laws. I know New York has very strict laws. Welcome to TintLaws.com
You could check and see if they have even put the tint on already. Some dealers wait until they find a buyer and then throw it on.
I live in Indiana and it looks like the tint law is 30/30/30. North Carolina is 35/35/35, so I think I'll be fine from a legal perspective. I just hope its not so dark to interfer with night time visibility.
That's interesting. I assumed it was put on at the factory since it is listed on the factory MSRP sticker. I'll have to ask, but I think the salesman indicated it was already on. Thanks.
They list it on MSRP but I am pretty sure the dealers put it on themselves. At least the one dealer I spoke with did it that way. You won't need to worry about the nighttime visibility. It's easy to see through.
Picked up the new Prius Two on Friday. The window tint is not all that dark, so I think I'll be happy with. Averaged over 57mpg on the 365 mile all interstate drive home. That seems almost too good to be true, but that was calculated the old fashion way. The computer was indicating around 54mpg. Very happy with the car and the purchase experience.
The computer overestimates by approx. 5-6%. If it underestimated then you either didn't have a full tank or you didn't quite fill it back up. Your true mpg was likely about 51mpg which is still awesome!