As I'm sure we've all noticed, when you turn off the car, you get a Trip Summary screen with such information as distance traveled, travel time, fuel consumption, etc. Mine has always shown, as the last line, the "cost" of the trip (presumably calculated based on the programmed fuel price and the fuel consumption). Anyway, I was playing around with the screen options the other day and now the last line is "savings". I don't want to know how much it thinks I saved, I want to know how much that trip cost me. I have gone back to the settings over and over and over again, and I simply cannot get it back to "cost" instead of "savings". HELP! What the frak am I doing wrong? How do I get it back to telling me the cost of the trip?
DOH! Thank you, Ashley! I had a feeling it had something to do with that screen, but I kept raising the comparative number as I was certain it had previously been set to 1 or 1.1 I will put it back to zero in the morning.
Thanks, again, Ashley (and sorry for getting your name wrong yesterday!). Changed the setting this morning and by golly when I got to work and turned the car off there was my trip cost.
Worked for me too! Thanks for the heads up about this. I could have sworn I tried this when I got my car, but was unsuccessful. I tried doubling or halving the comparison mileage so that the the savings would equal the cost. Anyways, all cars should have this feature so people better understand the whole cost of driving
Indeed, I couldn't agree more. It is also helpful in teaching one the cost of "bad" driving. Since my husband refuses (thus far) to try to learn to drive this car to maximize mileage, I frequently "brag" to him about how my trip to (insert location) only cost me (insert amount). Because I know that sometimes he makes the exact same trip, but at double or triple the fuel cost of when I drive.
TIP; If you set the Gasoline price to $1.00 then the cost will show how many gallons used. 1 = 1 gallon Handy if gas prices vary a lot.