hey guys... I still cant beleive this and correct me if im wrong but does this image show that the vehicle has been achieving an overall average of 15L/100km or 15mpg during the lifetime of the vehicle? I came across this by looking at a used one for sale... Its not my car (im looking to get a prius C) I dont even know how can the vehicle be able to even burn that much gas...
In says from the start, which is mean that they just could start the cold engine and shut it down 20-30 seconds later or they made a very, very short ride. That the only explanation I see for such low mileage. When I start my car in the morning a can see as low as 6 or 8 mpg within the first minute or so.
Ooo ok that makes more sense. Yea if its ice cold engine then you can get something like this i guess. I thought it this was from the beginning since the vehicle was bought then it would b some 1 with a super lead foot flooring it all the time Thanks for clarifying things
This is very common for a car at a dealership. What happens is, a tire kicker will get in, start the engine, and sit there w/out driving it. Then the salesperson will go over some of the functions/operations (while sitting there) and then they'll go for a short 5 min drive. Then, that person doesn't buy the car and the next person does the same thing. It is by no means any indication of the mileage this great car can achieve.
Cool. The screen with ODO shows the mpg for your current trip only. Trip A and B can give you a better picture depends on when they were reset. I kinda doubt that you can pull the lifetime mpg out of the car. Update: the only concern I have is the deadly low level of gas though. What do they think???
15.0l/100km seems to be the maximum the car can show - it will do this if the car is warmed up without moving and will start to drop soon after. This said, I notice in the picture that the vehicle is not in READY mode and I didn't really think it would even show a consumption value in that state (or if it did, I'd have expected the switch on status of 0.0l/100km). As others have noted "From Start" is only since the last switch on.
The last pip will start blinking off and on and keep doing so starting when you reach about 1.2 gallon left in the tank. This picture was taken the instant the last pip was blinking off. So there could be over a gallon in the tank.
Slightly off topic but how much are they asking for it and what trim level is it? I love my car . . . A LOT I can't imagen selling it or trading it. The car just came out. Even it wAs the first one to be sold this car is still under a year old so I wound what kind of discount you car getting but buying a used one?
Thanks to every one for replying.. Revan86 take my word and buy a new one. I was just cruising to see how much they go for used and this was was advertised as $1200 less than brand new and look at how many km it already covered. The L/100KM reading at first shocked me but every one clarified that. Up here in Canada I'm eyeing for a tech package or prius C 3 as in the states. and if I can get it for 22or 23K with taxes and all the other fees ill take it but because of the demand and the folks over in Cali, dealers have hard time to get them and are not willing to go any lower... Hope this helps..