My wife and I have been driving a Prius since Oct 23 2003. We have 40000 miles on our 04 which has had one problem, the cruise control computer failed. This was fixed in less than one hour never a problem again. We will take ownership of our second Prius sometime this week, Red #7, and this is how we decided to replace car #2 with a Prius. Car #2 is a 93 Sable that we bought new and it averages 23 mpg or less. Our prius averages 47 to 52 mpg depending on the temp, and gas blend. It used to average 3 mpg more but we replaced the tires with aggressive hydroedges to improve the driveability in adverse driving conditions that we see here in Wheeling WV. The new Prius will come with falken zien 512 at our request. The math was simple we drive 25000 miles a year so with the two hybrids we save 587 gallons of gas a year or $1467.50 at $2.50 per gallon. That is $122.29 a month and the payment for a 60 month loan would be $552.46. if we finance the whole car value. $552.46-$122.29=$430.17 then if you take the $3150 from the fed and add it to the $1000 a year for 3 years that WV gives we will pay 430.17 the first year then take the $4150/12=$345.83 off the payment in year two we will pay $84.34 for the second 12 month period. Then the third and fourth year the payments go down 1000/12=$84.33 so the payments for year 3 and 4 will be $345.84. The last year the payment will be $430.17. Year 1 = $5162.04 Year 2 =$1012.08 Year 3 =$4150.08 Year 4 =$4150.08 Year 5 =$5162.04 Total paid $19636.32 after savings. Very justifyable to own this car! in fact I made a spreedsheet that shows savings during the life of the cars will offset the total cost of the cars. Not to mention it is a great car. B) Anyone still on the fence?
Wow. That's a whopper of a post to try and digest. :blink: Just get the dang car! You obviously really want it and we here at PC want you to get it. --except for maybe one guy who I won't say his name except that it rhymes with "forlorn."
After seeing your censored post, I thought you would especially enjoy that little joke, maggieddd. B)
lol I have never been attracted to spreadsheets, but your post made we wonder if each of your two cars is driven 25K miles, or that is a family total ? Your calcs are based on each car driving that amount.
This got me ROTFL too! :lol: :lol: :lol: In response to the original post: It's always simple to see the savings. I think what makes it a bit more tricky is when you compare to another vehicle that gets close mileage. In Comparison to the Jeep I used to drive, the Prius saves me a ton of gas. But what about in comparison to a Corrolla? Or a Honda Civic (gas model)? My brother in law went with the gas version of the civic since it still gets very good mileage and was cheaper than the hybrid. Don't get me wrong, I strongly support the Prius and think it's worth paying extra, but to do a true cost comparison, it's only fare to compare it against comprable vehicles. If you want a hatchback though, there's not too much to compare to.
When I did my calculations, I based them off of a comprably equipped (ha!) Camry. Even the 4 cylinders get cruddy milage these days - with the prices so close after the tax break, I really will be better off with a Prius than replacing my aging Camry with a new one. Where I'm losing money, and I'm fully aware of it and making my decision anyway, is that I'm not buying a two year old camry. I consider this 90% the car I needed and 10% voting with my dollars. They built a car that has everything I want and more (yay hatchback!), is much nicer on the environment, and locks me in consuming about half the gas I would have been consuming. I think it's worth the so-called 'premium.'
Which makes it difficult to do a true cost comparison for the Prius. If you do a comparison with a Camry, the Prius looks good, if you do it with a Corolla, not so good. In size though, it is bigger than a Corolla (and trust me it is bigger-I tried one out), but slightly smaller than a Camry. All payoffs are probably in the long term (5 years+) and since, from what I remember, the average car owner keeps a car less than 5 years, it may be moot. however, they probably don't look to see how much money they are losing swapping new cars every 4-5 years.
Your comments mirrors my assessment as well. I was actually looking at a 2 year used volvo that would have landed around 22-24k. A loaded prius after rebates will be around 25k. Looking at the few times I reallu need a station wagon compared to a hatch back and the fact that the prius has almost all volvo features (and then some) it wasn't a hard choice. The Prius will save me some money in the end and is a very quiet and comfortable car. I will miss the seats from the Volvo though! Now I just need to wait several months to get it... sigh...
I am buying the Prius because I like the features (gas mileage being only one of them). Buying a new car is never a money saving venture because of how much value you lose by driving it off the dealers lot. I've finally gotten to the point where I can afford almost any car - and it's the Prius which "makes me happy".
Excellent! I'm very impressed. By switching from my old Audi to my new Prius I estimated that I will save over $700 in gas per year (more if I drive efficiently). I'm pretty excited about that. Considering I only lost $700 selling the car and I'm paying off the Prius fast, I will realize savings in just over a year's time. Oh yeah....and that whole "Helping the environment thing...well...that's good too!" j/k That's half our reason for ownership. B)
The calcs are based total for both and I threw in the gas savings of my 04 since its payed for and I consider it and asset that saves me $$$$
I agree that a car is not an investment, but the Prius didn't seem to follow the "lose 20% after driving it off the lot" rule. I looked up the bluebook value of my car after having it for 2 or 3 months, and it was actually higher than what I paid for it. First time that's happened to me. Don't think that'll last long, though. I haven't checked lately, but I suspect that after 6 months, the car is probably valued below what I paid for it. -Roger