I'm looking for any suggestions on building a sub enclosure in the spare tire well and sub/subs combination. Today I completed stage one: wiring, MB Quartz components, MB Quartz Amp 4x125, MB Quartz 12" DVC. The box and sub are temporary, the amp is sitting next to the spare under the foam (2 ch for components, 2 ch bridge to the sub) and the box was laying around. Stage two will be building the enclosure/amp racks in the spare tire well, adding power distribution,a MB Quartz 1500 mono amp, MB Quartz mids in the rear doors (too lazy today). Not sure what sub combo to use, leaning towards two mid grade tens, one high grade ten, or one high grade twelve. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have a temporary amp sub as well, my plan is to remove the spare and build a box that will have a single 12" and the amp housed in an enclosure that will replace the foam pieces and will sit flush mount. I will be able to put the OEM rear carpet on top and the whole thing will look stock. My plan is to start building sometime after I get my next paychecks (Sept 28). If you have not started by then I will post pictures of my progress.
Built the enclosure and cover board yesterday, ended up using the MB Quartz 12 inch Onyx square running off a MB Quartz 1500 mono block. Did the install with my 17 year old son after the noon Vikings game where I may have had a few frosty beverages, all in all it was a clean install an sounded pretty good. This morning on the way to work, cranked up some Flo Rida, heard a pop, smelt a burning voice coil and now I'm back to 6 and half components. Ordered an Infinity 10 today, rated at 1,100 watts and will run it at 4 ohms and hopefully will get more than 10 miles out of it. LOL. I'll post some pics when I get done rebuilding the enclosure for the 10.
I thought about doing this but just went with mounting two tubes on both sides above the wheel wells with Memphis 10s. Sound is incredible.