Hi there, My care is here! Well, actually it's at Longo Toyota. So Japan sent the car with no mats, and the salesman is going to knock a couple of hundred off MSRP if I buy the car with no mats. Should I get the mats else where, or just get them at the dealership? Are the mats easy to find? Thanks! -Robyn
My car is here! Well, actually its at Longo Toyota and I pick it up at the end of the week. He says Japan sent the car with no mats, and so he'll sell the car a couple of hundred off of MSRP. Here are my questions: Do I buy the mats at the dealership? Or buy them elsewhere? If so, Where do I find them? Are they easy to purchase? I'm trying to practice more patience in 2006, and if it will save me more money I'll get them elswhere. If its a hassle and I have to wait a month, I'll buy them at the dealership. Thanks for your help! -sunshine
Well, the mats are listed at $186 as an option. I always take mine out and replace them with the all weather mats since I always mess mine up. I wouldn't go so far as to say that the Prius mats are easy to come by and that's maybe why he's willing to take off the couple hundred bucks. Do you really want them for the money they cost? BTW, congrats on your new Prius. What color and package did you get? olcorral
So Sorry about the double posts. I guess I'm a bit excited after a 4 month wait! olcorra: I got a sliver #8, grey interior. I live in Northen California and I'm getting my car before my friends that are further up the lists than I was. (I was #89 on Longo's list) We all had a bet to see who would get there car first. I win! -sunshine
We got all weather mats at Costco for about $20. They are a relatively similar grey to the interior of our Prius.
Same here, but they're dark blue, so it works well with the Seaside Pearl exterior. I actually got them in 1990 for another car, but they still are good. Congrats on your new Prius!
Sunshine, Very cool for you to get a Pkg #8. Lots of toys to play with and I'm sure lots of questions as well. I got the Barcelona #8 pack and have no regrets. I got it from Dublin Toyota and am loving it especially after getting out of a 2002 Tundra V8. You live in NorCal and got it from Longo? Aren't they in SoCal? Do a search for the mats on ebay and save yourself some bucks if you can. Have fun! olcorral oh, how do you like the leather?
Actually we got the carpet mats with the car and then put the carpet mats from Costco over them to protect them. We got the beige and they were about $20. We did use Scotchguard on them though to help with messes. The seat fabric is a special fabic that wipes clean so our Newport Beach detailer (they do Ferraris and the like- and then we come in with our little Prius..) said not to Scotchguard the seats as it would just clump them but to do the carpets.
Just go to home depot and buy indoor-outdoor carbit, cut to fit and your set; and you save $150. Or buy some cheap car carpets from somewhere else. Save your money. Kathleen
You can't go wrong with Costco. The quality is top notch and they typically offer tan or grey in both fabric and heavy duty rubber. A complete set of four floor mats is generally $20 or $30. Plus, you can't lose with Costco's 100% money back guarantee. They have the best return policy in the business. If the carpet begins to unravel in a year or five year's you can take them back and exchange them, no questions asked. Sure, they don't have the fancy "Prius" logo, but, as far as I know Toyota won't match their warranty for accessories (typically one year or less for manufacture accessories). You could custom make a rear mat (i.e. cutting out one via carpet). I used a plastic mat meant for office chairs (typically laid over carpet) in the back of my Land Cruiser and cut it down to size. I got it at Office Depot for $20. It makes it a lot easier to clean up spills vs. having carpet in the back. I am going to do the same for my Prius. Good luck... <span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>Chinook-Hybrid</span>
It is wet around here so I have always purchased rubber all weather mats. There are a number of sources for custom mats.