Good Day, Two months ago I had to change the battery of my smart key and from that time till this day I have changed the battery 4 times, I don't know what the problem is but it seems there is a short that is causing the key to eat the batteries . Do you have any ideas how to find and fix this short? Many thanks
Usually the rubber button covers get beat up & distorted and are pressing on a button all the time. A lady here at work had the same problem. Do you notice the red light on the remote itself on all the time?
Yes, it seems that I'm having the same symptoms , I once noticed the red light on while the key on the table . and I have the unlock button worn out.
Is it possible to transplant the electronic part into the case of a used cheap eBay key that still has good buttons? Potentially cheaper, no chicken dance, but a bit fiddly.
Since the key is a smart one, I don't really need the buttons , so I removed the rubber cover of the buttons and covered the area with electrical tape(it's the only thing that I had in mind). Let's hope that this will fix the issue.
You probably could have used heat shrink and applied heat very conservatively. Should produce a much nicer finish and will not put the adhesive from the tape all in your pocket. On another note. If your key is within 16 feet of the car it will transmit a signal constantly and drain the batteries. If that is the case and the buttons are not the issue then just put your key in a different place in your home or park further away from your home where you put your key. This was an issue 4-5 years ago when our cars were very new. That is all for now. Dwayne
Quick update, it seems that the method I used is working , it's been 4 months now since the last time I replaced the battery and the current battery is still going strong.